Find UC Berkeley Faculty
Showing 51 - 73 of 73 Results
Problem solving, knowledge representation & reorganization, explanatory coherence & inference, conceptual change, societal implications, science instruction, global climate change psychology, numeracy in journalism, naïve/informal physics, computational models of cognition, perceptual-cognitive interactions, intelligent tutoring systems, understandings of biological evolution, Reasoning, qualitative & quantitative thinking
cognitive development, language development, learning mechanisms, statistical learning and statistical inference, conceptual development, developmental psychology, word learning, physical reasoning, social cognition in infants and children, learning in infants and young children, computational models of cognitive development, cognitive development and AI models, psychology and philosophy
resilience, risk, culture, teacher wellness, school climate, school violence and school climate, children and adolescents, mental health, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-based research partnerships, social justice research