Cameron Anderson Haas School of Business status hierarchies, psychology of power, self and interpersonal perception, team dynamics, influence processes, personality, emotions, groups and teams
Ned Augenblick Haas School of Business behavior economics, economic analysis, Online Markets, economics, strategy
Erica R. Bailey Haas School of Business authenticity, self-perception, personality, social cognition, social movements and activism
Matteo Benetton Haas School of Business regulation in lending markets, competition in lending markets, household finance, mortgage product design, housing markets, mortgage markets
Matilde Bombardini Haas School of Business international trade, trade and labor, interest groups, lobbying, corporate charitable giving
Severin Borenstein Haas School of Business energy markets, electricity deregulation, industrial organization, environmental economics, applied microeconomics, airline competition, market pricing & competition
Sydnee Caldwell Dept of Economics Haas School of Business personnel economics, labor economics, gender wage gap, applied microeconomics
Dana R. Carney Haas School of Business nonverbal behavior, prejudice and discrimination, power and status, social perception, automaticity, social behavior and market outcomes
Jennifer Chatman Haas School of Business innovation, leading change, leveraging organizational culture, leadership assessment, team diversity, narcissistic leaders
Clayton Critcher Haas School of Business moral psychology, consumer behavior and decision making, self and social judgment
Ernesto Dal Bó Haas School of Business applied microeconomic theory, political economy, corruption and influence, collective decision-making, coercion, quality of politicians, state capabilities
Lucas Davis Haas School of Business energy markets, environmental economics, applied microeconomics, public finance, industrial organization
Mathijs De Vaan Haas School of Business network analysis, health care management, economic sociology, research design and empirical methods
Solène Delecourt Haas School of Business business performance, entrepreneurship, discrimination, field experiments, management
Sunil Dutta Haas School of Business accrual accounting information, managerial performance measures, firms' disclosure policies, disclosure policies' valuation in capital markets
Edwin Epstein Haas School of Business business ethics, Jewish business ethics, specifically peace, conflict studies
Omri Even-Tov Haas School of Business Accounting and Financial Disclosures, Economic Consequences of Regulatory Changes, Corporate Debt, capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, The Information Content of Credit Rating Changes
Ellen Evers Haas School of Business moral psychology, collecting, judgment and decision making, pattern perception
Anastassia Fedyk Haas School of Business finance, behavioral economics, labor and finance, role of information technology in financial markets
Rachel Gershon Haas School of Business consumer judgements and choice, impression management, incentives, prosocial behavior, word of mouth, social consumption, corporate social responsibility
Paul Gertler School of Public Health Dept of Demography Haas School of Business health economics, public health, health care financing, economic development, industrial organizaition
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas Dept of Economics Haas School of Business economics, exchange rate, lending booms, consumption, capital flows, global imbalances, external adjustment, international prices, international portfolios, financial crises, eurozone crisis