Industry Consortium Programs

Industry Consortium Programs at UC Berkeley

Industry Consortium Programs (ICPs) incentivize support from corporate funders. At UC Berkeley, ICPs are either: 

  • gift-based, referred to as a Gift Sponsorship Program (GSP); or
  • contract based, referred to as an Industry Affiliate Program (IAP)

GSPs and IAPs are distinct and mutually exclusive ways of engaging corporate funders. 

Historically, there have been a variety of names used to describe IAPs and GSPs. The term ICP has been chosen as an overarching term to reflect that both types of programs (IAPs and GSPs) engage industry partners using a many-to-many model. 

Gift Sponsorship Program (GSPs)

Collaborate with: Office of University Development and Alumni Relations (UDAR) - Fund Stewardship & Compliance Office

A GSP offers gift-compatible stewardship or engagement opportunities to incentivize annual, philanthropic contributions from corporate donors to fund a clearly defined area of research, a lab, or a non-research program. GSPs are a “many-to-many” arrangement through which multiple donors (three or more) support a program that benefits multiple faculty (two or more). 

GSPs, unlike IAPs, do not convey benefits of value (e.g. intellectual property, early access to research results, exclusive access) to sponsors. All results from GSPs are subject to University of California intellectual property policy. Anything shared with a GSP funder needs to be made available to the public through a similar medium. 

GSPs operate in accord with the principles of respect for faculty and student freedom to pursue specific research topics and methodology of their choice, conform to UC Berkeley’s primary mission of teaching and research, and enrich the educational experience.

The Chancellor has delegated to the Vice Chancellor for University Development and Alumni Relations (UDAR) the authority to accept gifts for use by the Campus. Under this delegation, UDAR administers the Gift Acceptance Policy and has been given the authority to determine what transactions qualify as gift revenue and has oversight for all gift contracts. 

  • GSPs differ from research gifts in that they involve no commitment to conduct a defined  research project, and have no budget or specific work plan. Research relationships that are more directed should be arranged through sponsored research agreements or research gift agreements, as appropriate.
  • Historically, GSP gift agreements have captured each and every benefit offered through the program. Effective as of January 1, 2025, gift agreements will contain only the summarized benefit categories listed above. GSPs may offer more specific benefits provided they are consistent with IRS guidelines and University of California and UC Berkeley policies.
  • Donors may only join a GSP by signing a master gift sponsorship program agreement, managed by UDAR. Individual payments made by a donor through the GSP are subject to the agreement, but individual payments do not need to be documented each with their own agreement. GSPs must be submitted for review annually.

A successful, properly structured GSP:

  • furthers the university’s research mission
  • facilitates private funding of public research
  • educates students and provides career opportunities
  • enhances feedback from industry to inform academic research

GSPs may offer benefits that fall into three broad buckets:

  • Recognition. Recognition elevates a donor’s brand; for example, by displaying a donor’s logo on the website or on a newsletter.
  • Networking. Donors get to network with students, researchers, and faculty; networking opportunities must exclude sharing unpublished research.
  • Industry Engagement. Donors can provide valuable industry perspective, including by serving on a board or committee in a strictly advisory capacity.

For more information: See the Official Gift Sponsorship Guidelines. Contact for questions.

Industry Affiliate Programs (IAPs)

Collaborate with: Office of Intellectual Property & Industry Research Alliances (IPIRA)

An IAP is a University research program having at least three company members. IAPs are focused on a specific area of research of common interest with private industry, and funded by industry membership fees. A successful, properly structured IAP:

  • furthers the university’s research mission
  • facilitates private funding of public research
  • educates students and provides career opportunities
  • integrates feedback from industry to inform academic research
  • facilitates the commercialization of university research results

By entering a membership agreement and paying membership fees, Industry Members receive certain benefits. The specific benefits vary among IAPs. Typical benefits include:

  • Interaction. Industry Members interact with the research team through reviews, poster sessions, and retreats and provide input. An Industry Member representative may serve on an industry advisory board and recommend research directions.
  • Early notice. Industry Members receive early notice of publication abstracts, data, software, and resulting intellectual property.
  • Nonexclusive rights. All Industry Members receive the same research results and intellectual property (IP) rights. 

To learn more, contact the IPIRA Industry Alliances Office.

Industry Consortium Programs on Campus

Gift Sponsorship ProgramsIndustry Affiliate Programs

  • Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC)
  • Berkeley Emerging Technology Research (BETR) Center Membership Program
  • Sky Sponsorship Program
  • CLIMB Sponsorship Program
  • EPIC Data Lab Sponsorship Program
  • Center for Responsible, Decentralized Intelligence (RDI) Sponsorship Program
  • SLICE Lab Sponsorship Program
  • The Forum for Collaborative Research Sponsorship Program
  • EPIC Data Lab Sponsorship Program
  • Center for Smart Infrastructure (CSI) Partnership Program
  • Center for Responsible, Decentralized Intelligence (RDI) Sponsorship Program
  • Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator Sponsorship
  • Berkeley Center for Law and Technology Sponsorship Program
  • Berkeley Center for Law and Business Sponsorship Program
  • Berkeley Haas Culture Initiative Sponsorship Program
  • CITRIS Sponsorship Program
  • Department of Molecular & Cell Biology's  Program
  • Right Care Initiative Sponsorship Program
  • SCET Sponsorship Programs
  • Simons Institute Industry Sponsorship Program
  • Statistics Industry Sponsorship Program


  • Berkeley AI Research (BAIR)
  • Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center (BSAC)
  • Berkeley Power and Energy Center (BPEC)
  • Center for IT Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS)
  • Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center (BSAC)
  • Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) Commons
  • Berkeley Deep Drive (BDD)
  • Berkeley Device Modeling Center (BDMC)
  • Berkeley Integrated Ferroelectric Technology Center (BIFTeC)
  • Berkeley Seismological Lab (BSL)
  • Center for Innovation in Vision and Optics (CIVO)
  • Center for the Built Environment (CBE)
  • Cool Climate Network (CCN)
  • Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Center (iCyPhy)
  • Lean Action Research Learning Collaborative (LARLC)
  • Consortium for Data Analysis and Risk
  • FHL Vive Center for Enhanced Reality
  • Manufacturing 360


Comparison of GSP and IAP


Gift Sponsorship Program

Industry Affiliate Program

Furthers the university’s research mission



Facilitates private funding of public research



Educates students and provides career opportunities



Enhances feedback from industry to inform academic research



Offers benefits of value (e.g. early access to research results, intellectual property rights) to sponsors



Integrates feedback from industry to inform academic research