Solène Delecourt Haas School of Business business performance, entrepreneurship, discrimination, field experiments, management
Ofer Eldar School of Law business associations, corporate finance and securities regulation, law and economics, corporate governance, entrepreneurial finance, social impact
Lee Fleming Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research commercializing breakthroughs, invention, innovation, patents, big data, ethics and technology, leadership
Matthew Grennan Haas School of Business industrial organization, competitive strategy, innovation, health care markets, health care products, health care organizations
Jocelyne Guilbault Dept of Music power relations, global industrialization, labor practices, and work ethics in Caribbean popular musics, diaspora, cultural entrepreneurship
Heather Haveman Dept of Sociology Haas School of Business organizations, economic sociology, entrepreneurship, China, careers and social mobility, gender, social history
David Holtz Haas School of Business online marketplaces and platforms, computational social science, data science, experimental economics
Sonia Katyal School of Law artificial intelligence, law and technology, intellectual property law, contemporary art and law, gender and sexuality
Rich Lyons Haas School of Business stablecoins, foreign exchange markets, culture, innovation, entrepreneurship, online education, blockchains
Peter S. Menell School of Law intellectual property, property law, environmental law & policy, entertainment law, law and economics, federal courts
Calvin Morrill School of Law sociology of law, organizational theory, ethnography, social movements, youth culture and conflict, sociology of culture, entrepreneurship
Adair Morse Haas School of Business household finance, climate finance, sustainable and impact investing, entrepreneurship and small business, pension asset management
AnnaLee Saxenian School of Information innovation, information management, entrepreneurship, Silicon Valley, regional economic development, high skilled immigration, Asian development
David Sraer Dept of Economics Haas School of Business finance economics, macro-finance, behavioral finance, economics of organization, entrepreneurship