Vinod K. Aggarwal Dept of Political Science political science, negotiations, trade policy, international organizations, international debt rescheduling
Catherine Albiston School of Law Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Dept of Sociology inequality, social change, law, employment, legal profession, public interest law, gender discrimination
Cameron Anderson Haas School of Business status hierarchies, psychology of power, self and interpersonal perception, team dynamics, influence processes, personality, emotions, groups and teams
David Anthoff Dept of Energy & Resources Group environmental economics, climate policy, integrated assessment models
Michael J. Austin School of Social Welfare strategic planning, social welfare, social service management, organizational development
Erica R. Bailey Haas School of Business authenticity, self-perception, personality, social cognition, social movements and activism
Jill Berrick School of Social Welfare family policy, child and family poverty, child abuse and neglect, foster care, kinship care, Child welfare services
Stefano M. Bertozzi School of Public Health HIV/AIDS, HIV prevention, HIV treatment programs, reproductive health, health economics, anti-poverty programs, impact evaluation
Matilde Bombardini Haas School of Business international trade, trade and labor, interest groups, lobbying, corporate charitable giving
Sabrina Boyce School of Public Health gender-based violence, sexual violence prevention, reproductive health, social norms, gender equity, social epidemiology, child and adolescent health, community-engaged research/scholarship
Amanda Brewster School of Public Health coordination of health care and social services, performance improvement, implementation of new practices
Judith Butler Dept of Comparative Literature critical theory, gender and sexuality studies, comparative literature, 19th and 20th century continental philosophy, social and political thought, philosophy and literature
Jennifer Chatman Haas School of Business innovation, leading change, leveraging organizational culture, leadership assessment, team diversity, narcissistic leaders
Emmeline Chuang School of Social Welfare inter-organizational relationships, frontline health and human service workers, implementation science, coordination of health and social services
Brian DeLay Dept of History US, the Americas, International History, nineteenth century, Native American history, American West, Borderlands, firearms, Second Amendment
Solène Delecourt Haas School of Business business performance, entrepreneurship, discrimination, field experiments, management
Edwin Epstein Haas School of Business business ethics, Jewish business ethics, specifically peace, conflict studies
Bruce Fuller School of Education policy analysis and evaluation, reform issues, charter schools, child care, early childhood development, economy and education
Sean Gailmard Dept of Political Science American political institutions, bureaucratic organizations, executive branch, public administration, political economy, statistical modeling
Matthew Grennan Haas School of Business industrial organization, competitive strategy, innovation, health care markets, health care products, health care organizations
Heather Haveman Dept of Sociology Haas School of Business organizations, economic sociology, entrepreneurship, China, careers and social mobility, gender, social history
Benjamin Hermalin Dept of Economics contract theory, corporate governance, executive compensation, economics of leadership and organization, competitive strategy, industrial organization
Richard K. Hernandez School of Journalism journalism, new media, Mobile, visual storytelling, virtual reality, film/video production, photojournalism