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crime, criminal justice, drug control, gender, health disparities, inequality, law, mass incarceration, mental health, mixed methods, policing, policy, poverty, prisons, punishment, race, risk, reentry, substance abuse, trauma, violence, race and gender, artificial intelligence, data science, social work and education, social work, public impact research/scholarship, social justice research

social and emotional learning, social work, prevention, mental health, coalition, collaboration, research practice partnership, strength, school, assessment, screening, resilience, translation, dissemination, implementation, communities that care, children, DESSA, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnerships

adolescent violence and victimization, polyvictimization rates among vulnerable adolescents, bullying involvement roles and mental health, sexual orientation and gender identity microaggressions, impact of family-level microaggressions and microaffirmations on mental health, disability, anti-ableism