Research Expertise and Interest
social welfare, professional ethics and education, social learning theory, behavioral methods
Research Description
Eileen Gambrill is professor of the graduate school at the School of Social Welfare. Her research interests include professional ethics and education; evidence-based practice; professional decision making; social learning theory; behavioral methods; evaluation of practice; and social skills training.
Dr. Gambrill is a grantee of the University of Bristol’s Benjamin Meeker Fellowship as well as a two-time recipeint of the Pro Humanitate Award, which is bestowed by the North American Resource Center for Child Welfare. She has also served as a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford and Tel Aviv University.
Additionally, Dr. Gambrill has been editor-in-chief of Social Work Research and Abstracts as well as of Journal of Social Work Education, and she currently sits on the editorial boards of several journals. Dr. Gambrill is also a licensed psychologist.
In the News
School of Social Welfare to help develop plan to deliver social services to China’s needy
As China turns its attention to the social needs of its citizens, the School of Social Welfare is partnering with Beijing Normal University to develop a strategy to deliver services to China’s needy, thanks to a three-year planning grant from the Ford Foundation. Julian Chow, an associate professor of social welfare, will manage the Berkeley-Beijing Normal University initiative.