Adrian Aguilera Computational Precision Health Program School of Social Welfare digital health, Depression Interventions, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, health equity, machine learning, implementation science
Venkat Anantharam Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) game theory, applied probability, electrical engineering, communications, control, communication networks, error control coding
Michael J. Austin School of Social Welfare strategic planning, social welfare, social service management, organizational development
Francesco Borrelli Dept of Mechanical Engineering automotive control systems, distributed and robust constrained control, manufacturing control systems, energy efficient buildings, model predictive control.
Steven E. Brenner Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology molecular biology, computational biology, evolutionary biology, bioengineering, structural genomics, computational genomics, cellular activity, cellular functions, personal genomics
Amanda Brewster School of Public Health coordination of health care and social services, performance improvement, implementation of new practices
Emmeline Chuang School of Social Welfare inter-organizational relationships, frontline health and human service workers, implementation science, coordination of health and social services
Lisandro Claudio Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies Philippines, theories of liberalism, history and culture of Southeast Asia, austerity in the global south
Danika Cooper Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning landscape architecture, arid landscapes, visualization, urban design, urbanism
Laura J Enriquez Dept of Sociology Development in Latin America; Latin American Emigration to Europe; Rural Sociology, Political Sociology; Social Movements
Sean Farhang School of Law Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy civil litigation
Junko Habu Dept of Anthropology Japan, anthropology, archaeology, climate change, sustainability, East Asia, Jomon hunter-gatherers
Allison Harvey Dept of Psychology sleep, insomnia, circadian rhythms, mental illness, comorbidity, implementation science, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-academic partnership
Stephen Hinshaw Dept of Psychology psychology, child clinical, developmental psychopathology, risk factors for attentional, conduct disorders, child psychopharmacology, multimodality interventions, diagnostic validity of disorders, peer relationships, stigma of mental illness, community-engaged research/scholarship
Hidetaka Hirota Dept of History US immigration history, American immigration law and policy, Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 19th century United States, Asian American history, U.S. and the world, Global Migration, Transnational History
Alastair Iles Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management chemicals policy and politics, sustainable food systems, environmental STS, sustainability transitions, sustainability learning and societal change
Boubacar Kante Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) optoelectronics, quantum optics, optimization, Antennas, Biophysics and Sensing
Ann Keller School of Public Health political science, health politics, public policy, public administration, disaster response, expertise in public decision-making
Danya Lagos Dept of Sociology gender, transgender studies, social change, demography, survey research methods
Katerina Linos School of Law international law, comparative law, European Union law, employment law, migration law
Jeffrey R. Long Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Dept of Chemistry inorganic and materials chemistry, synthesis of inorganic molecules and higher dimensional solids, precise tailoring of chemical and physical properties, gas storage, molecular separations and catalysis in porous materials, magnetic and conductive materials
Cassondra Marshall School of Public Health contraceptive care, reproductive health, maternal health, implementation science, Mixed methods research, community engagement, doula care
Megan Mills-Novoa Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate change adaption, energy transitions, political ecology of global change, critical development studies, water justice, participatory mixed methods, Latin America
Deirdre Mulligan School of Information information policy, law, privacy, security, machine learning and artificial intelligence