Anil Aswani Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research machine learning and artificial intelligence, precision health, optimization, statistics
Lee Bernstein Dept of Nuclear Engineering nuclear science data, nuclear engineering, experimental nuclear physics, isotopes, nuclear astrophysics, nuclear science, nuclear weapons
Ryan Brutger Dept of Political Science international relations, international political economy, international law, political psychology, experimental design, bargaining and negotiation
John Chuang Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) School of Information climate informatics, biosensory computing, brainwave authentication, information economics and policy
Stephen Collier Dept of City & Regional Planning urban vulnerability and resilience, insurance and climate change, Soviet urban planning and post-Soviet urban and social welfare transformation, infrastructure and politics, neoliberalism and governmental rationality, emergency government in the United States
Natacha Crooks Division of Computer Science (EECS) database management systems, operating systems & networking
Paolo D'Odorico Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management hydrology, ecohydrology, water resources, Water and Society, environmental sciences, Drylands, Desertification
Markita del Carpio Landry Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Dept of Neuroscience nanomaterials, fluorescence microscopy, sensors, imaging, neuroscience, plant engineering
William J. Drummond School of Journalism politics, journalism, reporting, national security, freelancing in both print and radio
Sanjam Garg Division of Computer Science (EECS) cryptography, cybersecurity, theoretical computer science
Neil Gilbert School of Social Welfare social welfare, comparative welfare state analysis, child welfare, evaluation research, family policy, social security
Bethany L. Goldblum Dept of Nuclear Engineering applied nuclear physics, neutron detection, scintillation physics, machine learning applications, nuclear weapon policy
Zoé Hamstead Dept of City & Regional Planning environmental planning, climate planning, sustainability and resilience, environmental and climate justice, geographic and spatial analysis, urban policy and political economy, global environmental governance, community engagement
Ron E. Hassner Dept of Political Science international relations, international security, religion and conflict, Israel, military intelligence, torture, interrogation.
Dorit Hochbaum Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research data mining, integer programming, discrete optimization, network flow techniques, clustering, image segmentation, machine vision, pattern recognition
Chris Jay Hoofnagle School of Information School of Law consumer protection, internet law, privacy, computer crime, criminal procedure, law and technology, public choice theory, federal trade commission, federal communications commission, class action litigation, cyber security, cybersecurity, quantum information, national security
Hilary Hoynes Dept of Economics Goldman School of Public Policy poverty, inequality, economic policy, Social Safety Net, labor economics, public economics, Food Insecurity, COVID-19
Raymond Jeanloz Dept of Astronomy Dept of Earth and Planetary Science planetary geophysics, high-pressure physics, national and international security, science-based policy
Anthony D. Joseph Division of Computer Science (EECS) internet security, mobile/distributed computing, and wireless communications, networking and telephony
Rosemary A. Joyce Dept of Anthropology Latin America, anthropology, cultural heritage, gender, archaeology, sexuality, museums, ethics, Central America, feminism
Yaniv Konchitchki Haas School of Business Monetary economics, macroeconomics, macro-finance, Financial-based solutions to world’s grand challenges, capital markets research, financial accounting, FinTech, financial technology and innovation, financial statement analysis, asset pricing, macro-accounting
John D. Kubiatowicz Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer architecture, quantum computer design, internet-scale storage systems and peer-to-peer networking, operating systems & networking, computer security
Marika Landau-Wells Dept of Political Science political psychology, conflict, national security, public opinion, foreign policy