Research Expertise and Interest
quantum computation, hamiltonian complexity, analysis of algorithms, computer security
Research Description
Umesh Vazirani is the Roger A. Strauch Professor of EECS and the co-director of the Berkeley Quantum Computation Center (BQIC). His research interests lie primarily in quantum computing.
In the News
UC Berkeley to lead $25 million quantum computing center
As part of the federal government’s effort to speed the development of quantum computers, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded the University of California, Berkeley, $25 million over five years to establish a multi-university institute focused on advancing quantum science and engineering and training a future workforce to build and use quantum computers.
Berkeley computer theorists show path to verifying that quantum beats classical
As multiple research groups around the world race to build a scalable quantum computer questions remain about how the achievement of quantum supremacy will be verified.
National Academy of Sciences Adds Five Berkeley Faculty Members to its Ranks
UC Berkeley has more than 135 faculty members who are members of the National Academy of Sciences
The games genes play: Algorithm helps explain sex in evolution
UC Berkeley computer theorists have identified an algorithm to describe the strategy used by genes during sexual recombination. In doing so, they address the dueling evolutionary forces of survival of the fittest and of diversity.
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