Sarah Anzia Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy American politics, public policy, interest groups, state politics, local politics, election timing, voter turnout, public pensions, public sector unions, collective bargaining
Robert Birgeneau Dept of Physics Goldman School of Public Policy physics, phase transition behavior of novel states of matter
Henry Brady Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy comparative politics, public policy, electoral politics, political participation, survey research, program evaluation, statistical methods in the social sciences, social welfare policy, Soviet Union, inequality in America
Jennifer Bussell Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy democratic politics in economically developing states
Maria Carreri Goldman School of Public Policy political economy, local politics, political economy or comparative political economy, local public finance, bureaucracy
Diag Davenport Goldman School of Public Policy School of Information applied microeconomics, behavioral science, machine learning
Sean Farhang School of Law Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy civil litigation
Avi Feller Dept of Statistics Goldman School of Public Policy applied statistics, theoretical statistics, Bayesian statistics, machine learning, statistics in social sciences
Lee Friedman Goldman School of Public Policy climate change regulation, public policy, economic organization, environmental markets, school finance, utility regulation, criminal justice
Jack Glaser Goldman School of Public Policy policing, criminal justice, research methods, public policy, experimental social psychology, hate crime, political psychology, stereotyping, racial profiling, prejudice & discrimination, nonconscious social cognition
Jacob (Jake) Grumbach Goldman School of Public Policy democracy, labor and employment, racial justice, quantitative methods, public policy, political economy, federalism
Hilary Hoynes Dept of Economics Goldman School of Public Policy poverty, inequality, economic policy, Social Safety Net, labor economics, public economics, Food Insecurity, COVID-19
Rucker Johnson Goldman School of Public Policy labor and employment, race, poverty, inequality, economics of education, health disparities, social welfare policy
Daniel Kammen Dept of Energy & Resources Group Dept of Nuclear Engineering Goldman School of Public Policy public policy, nuclear engineering, energy, resources, risk analysis as applied to global warming, methodological studies of forecasting, hazard assessment, renewable energy technologies, environmental resource management
David Kirp Goldman School of Public Policy public policy, law, social policy, higher education policy, politics and policy, primary and secondary education policy, race and ethnicity, early childhood policy
Dorothy Kronick Goldman School of Public Policy contemporary Latin American politics, Venezuela, crime and policing
Amy Lerman Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy American government, public opinion, civic engagement, criminal justice, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership
Cecilia Hyunjung Mo Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy inequality; immigration; human trafficking, political behavior; voting and elections; political socialization; research design and empirical methods.
Michael Nacht Goldman School of Public Policy public policy, international relations, national security policy, public management
Katherine Newman Dept of Sociology Goldman School of Public Policy low wage labor markets, social mobility, inequality.
Michael O'Hare Goldman School of Public Policy public policy, quantitative methods, environmental policy, public management, arts policy