Max Buchholz Dept of City & Regional Planning urban and regional economics, social and spatial inequality, urbanization, segregation, quantitative methods
David Card Dept of Economics education, immigration, unemployment, inequality, race and gender, program evaluation
Diag Davenport Goldman School of Public Policy School of Information applied microeconomics, behavioral science, machine learning
Rucker Johnson Goldman School of Public Policy labor and employment, race, poverty, inequality, economics of education, health disparities, social welfare policy
Patrick Kline Dept of Economics inequality, Place Based Policies, firm wage setting policies, employment discrimination, econometrics, discrimination
Laura Kray Haas School of Business gender, negotiations, stereotypes, decision making, mindsets, motivated cognition
Jennifer Anne LaFleur School of Journalism Data journalism, investigative journalism, disability, inequality, criminal justice
Katherine Newman Dept of Sociology Goldman School of Public Policy low wage labor markets, social mobility, inequality.
Carolina Reid Dept of City & Regional Planning Affordable housing, homelessness, access to credit, community development, the Community Reinvestment Act, neighborhood change, homeownership and mortgage finance (with a focus on low-income and minority households)
Tina Sacks School of Social Welfare racial disparities in health; social determinants of health; race, class and gender; and poverty and inequality.
Rhona S. Weinstein Dept of Psychology community psychology, educational inequality and the achievement gap, teacher expectations and self-fulfilling prophecies, classroom and school reform