Diliana Angelova Dept of History Dept of History of Art late antique art, Byzantine art, gender, representations of Roman imperial power, the emperor Constantine, the Virgin Mary, Roman art and visual culture, ancient Mediterranean cities, textiles, ivories, mythology in Byzantine art, romantic love in antiquity and the middle ages
Janaki Bakhle Dept of History intellectual history of religion, politics and modern India, South Asia
Andrew Barshay Dept of History social thought, social sciences in modern Japan, marxism, Japanese history, Japanese-Russian relations
Mark Brilliant Dept of History 20th century U.S. history, with a focus on political economy, civil rights, education, law, and the west
Dmitri Brown Dept of History North America, Native American history, indigenous methodologies, Tewa philosophy, community-based research, oral history, history of physics, colonialism
Cathryn Carson Dept of History science and society, data science, ethics, artificial intelligence, history of science and technology, history of physics, nuclear waste, intellectual history, interdisciplinarity
John Connelly Dept of History modern East and Central European political and social history, comparative education, history of nationalism and racism, history of Catholicism, Late Modern Europe
Thomas Dandelet Dept of History Renaissance Italy and Europe, Spanish Empire, early modern Mediterranean
Brian DeLay Dept of History US, the Americas, International History, nineteenth century, Native American history, American West, Borderlands, firearms, Second Amendment
Nicholas Dirks Dept of Anthropology Dept of History History and anthropology of South Asia, social and cultural theory, history of imperialism, historiography, cultural studies, globalization
Sandra Eder Dept of History gender, sexuality, medicine, science, US History 20th century, popular culture
Susanna Elm Dept of History history of the Later Roman Empire, pagan - Christian interactions, ancient medicine, slavery and the evolution of Christianity, leadership and empire, gender and imperial rule, reception of antiquity
Puck Engman Dept of History history of socialism, social revolution, law and state, historical justice, political communication, bureaucratic process
Victoria Frede Dept of History enlightenment, Russian intellectual history, sentimentalism, eighteenth and nineteenth century, anti-religious thought, romanticism, history of friendship
Hidetaka Hirota Dept of History US immigration history, American immigration law and policy, Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 19th century United States, Asian American history, U.S. and the world, Global Migration, Transnational History
Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann Dept of History Modern German and European History, Human Rights and Internationalism, global urban history, critical theory
Trevor Jackson Dept of History inequality, financial crisis, central banking, economic history, early modern Europe
Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers Dept of History slavery, African-American History, Women's History, Women and the Law, Slavery and the Law
Abhishek Kaicker Dept of History South Asia, Mughal, early modern, cities, history, Persian, India, politics, Asia