Ozlem Ayduk Dept of Psychology emotion regulation, social-cognition in interpersonal relationships, self-control, violence, developmental psychology, psychology, depression
Joseph J. Campos Dept of Psychology social-emotional development in infancy, emotional communication, perception of emotion, relation of motor development to cognitive and social and emotional development
Serena Chen Dept of Psychology Self and identity, close relationships, social cognition, social psychology, relational self, collective self, social power, hierarchy, status
Anne Collins Dept of Psychology learning, decision making, computational modeling, executive functions
Philip Cowan Dept of Psychology couple relationships, family factors in children's development, parenting, fatherhood, preventive intervention with families
Mark D'Esposito Dept of Psychology cognitive neuroscience, psychology, working memory, frontal lobe function, functional MRI, neurology, brain imaging, dopamine
Gül Dölen Dept of Neuroscience Dept of Psychology behavioral and systems neuroscience, psychedelics, critical periods, octopus, social behavior, evolution, synaptic plasticity, extracellular matrix, oxytocin and stroke, Fragile X, autism, PTSD, addiction
Jan Engelmann Dept of Psychology developmental psychology, comparative psychology, cross-cultural psychology
Aaron Fisher Dept of Psychology Idiographic Science, Group-to-Individual Generalizability, Personalization, EMA, Time Series, physiology, Methods and Statistics
Alison Gopnik Dept of Psychology A.I., learning, philosophy, psychology, cognitive development, theory of mind, young children, children's causal knowledge, Bayes Net formalism
Allison Harvey Dept of Psychology sleep, insomnia, circadian rhythms, mental illness, comorbidity, implementation science, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-academic partnership
Stephen Hinshaw Dept of Psychology psychology, child clinical, developmental psychopathology, risk factors for attentional, conduct disorders, child psychopharmacology, multimodality interventions, diagnostic validity of disorders, peer relationships, stigma of mental illness, community-engaged research/scholarship
Richard Ivry Dept of Psychology Dept of Neuroscience cognitive neuroscience, behavior, cognition, brain, attention, coordination, psychology, motor and perceptual processes in normal and neurologically impaired populations, temporal processing, executive control
Oliver John Dept of Psychology research methods, personality, measurement, emotion regulation, personality structure, personality development, traits, Big Five model, individual differences, emotion expression, self-concept, accuracy, bias, self-knowledge, personality assessment
Sheri Johnson Dept of Psychology bipolar disorder, healthy lifestyles, time-restricted eating, impulsivity, suicidality, community-engaged research/scholarship
Keanan Joyner Dept of Psychology alcohol and substance use disorder, externalizing, electroencephalogram (EEG), event-related potentials, ecological momentary assessment, behavioral economics, behavioral genetics
Dacher Keltner Dept of Psychology culture, conflict, behavior, love, psychology, emotion, social interaction, individual differences in emotion, negotiation, embarrassment, desire, juvenile delinquency, laughter, anger, social perception, negotiating morality
Celeste Kidd Dept of Psychology attention, curiosity, learning, computational modeling, cognitive development, machine learning, belief formation
Robert Thomas Knight Dept of Psychology cognitive neuroscience, language, physiology, memory, attention, psychology, working memory, neuropsychology, human prefrontal cortex, neural mechanisms of cognitive processing, sensory gating, sustained attention, ad novelty detection
Hedy Kober Dept of Psychology craving, regulation of craving, alcohol and substance use disorder, treatments for substance use and eating disorders, neural and psychological mechanisms of treatment, emotion regulation, mindfulness, meditation
Lance Kriegsfeld Dept of Integrative Biology Dept of Psychology Dept of Neuroscience Neuroendocrinology, NeuroendocrinologyCircadian Biology, cognition, mental health, Neuroimmunology, animal behavior
Robert W. Levenson Dept of Psychology aging, gender, culture, brain, psychology, emotion, psychophysiology, marriage, clinical science, interpersonal interactions, dementia, relationships, neurodegenerative disease