Brooks Abel Dept of Chemistry Polymer Chemistry, organic chemistry, stereoselective catalysis, polymer recycling
Judith Butler Dept of Comparative Literature critical theory, gender and sexuality studies, comparative literature, 19th and 20th century continental philosophy, social and political thought, philosophy and literature
Luisa Caldas Dept of Architecture virtual and augmented reality for building design and simulation, net zero energy and sustainable design, parametric and generative design systems for sustainable architecture, daylighting, daylighting in buildings, housing solutions for the developing world and refugee camps
Ahmad Diab Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures Arabic literature, translation studies, Arabic philology, postcolonial studies, linguistics, Middle Eastern Cinema
Mary Ann Doane Dept of Film and Media feminist theory, cultural theory, archaeology of media technology, film and modernity, film theory, psychoanalytic theory
Michael B. Eisen Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology genomics, genome sequencing, bioinformatics, animal development
Desiree Fields Dept of Geography economic geography, urban theory, financialization, digital platforms, property, geographical political economy, housing justice, digital capitalism
Catherine Flynn Dept of English modernism, Irish, British, comparative literature, critical theory, Avant-Gardes, James Joyce, Flann O'Brien
Vernadette Gonzalez Dept of Ethnic Studies Asian American literacy and cultural studies, culture of U.S. Imperialism, gender and sexuality, Philippine and Filipino American studies, transnational American studies
Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby Dept of History of Art 18th through 20th century French, 18th through 20th century French and American art, history of slavery, colonialism, race, gender, visual and material culture
Venkatesan Guruswami Dept of Mathematics Division of Computer Science (EECS) theoretical computer science, coding theory, approximate optimization, randomness in computation, computational complexity
Dacher Keltner Dept of Psychology culture, conflict, behavior, love, psychology, emotion, social interaction, individual differences in emotion, negotiation, embarrassment, desire, juvenile delinquency, laughter, anger, social perception, negotiating morality
Courtney Desiree Morris Dept of Gender and Women's Studies black women's social movement, state violence and authoritarianism, racial formations in Latin American, racial formations in the Caribbean, racial formations in the U.S., feminist and queer theory, environmental ethics, black visual culture and aestetics
Michael Pollan School of Journalism agriculture, environment, obesity, science, nutrition, journalism, food, cooking, gardening
Zi Qiang Qiu Dept of Physics experimental study of quantum magnetism in nanostructures, condensed matter physics, materials science experimentation
Russell Robinson School of Law anti discrimination law, race and sexuality, law and psychology, constitutional law, media and entertainment law