Severin Borenstein Haas School of Business energy markets, electricity deregulation, industrial organization, environmental economics, applied microeconomics, airline competition, market pricing & competition
Lucas Davis Haas School of Business energy markets, environmental economics, applied microeconomics, public finance, industrial organization
Aaron S. Edlin Dept of Economics School of Law economics, industrial organization, regulation, antitrust, business law, law and economics
Joseph Farrell Dept of Economics economics, price theory models of anticompetitive exclusive dealing, switching costs, network effects, formal standardization
Matthew Grennan Haas School of Business industrial organization, competitive strategy, innovation, health care markets, health care products, health care organizations
Benjamin Hermalin Dept of Economics contract theory, corporate governance, executive compensation, economics of leadership and organization, competitive strategy, industrial organization
Sarah Moshary Haas School of Business marketing, industrial organization, political economy, digital and political advertising, pink tax, e-commerce pricing, supply responses to government policy
Jeffrey M. Perloff Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics economics, labor, industrial organization, antitrust, econometrics, agricultural economics, trade, marketing
Gordon Rausser Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics agricultural and environmental and resource economics, public and regulatory policy, political economy, bargaining theory, futures markets, law and economics, industrial organization and antitrust analysis
Carl Shapiro Dept of Economics Haas School of Business anti-trust economics, economics of networks and interconnection, design and use of patents, industrial organization economics
Cailin Slattery Haas School of Business public finance, political economy, industrial organization, state and local government
David Sunding Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics environmental economics, industrial organization, applied econometrics, law and economics
Steve Tadelis Haas School of Business ecommerce, contracts and procurement, economics of organization, game theory, theory of the firm and industrial organization
Quitzé Valenzuela-Stookey Dept of Economics Mechanism Design, matching and marketing design, industrial organization, bounded rationality
J. Miguel Villas-Boas Haas School of Business economics, competitive strategy, industrial organization, marketing strategy, customer relationship management, internet strategies, information acquisition, marketing
Sofia Villas-Boas Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics economics, industrial organization and applied econometrics, agricultural & resource economics, consumer behavior and decision making
Paige Weber Dept of Energy & Resources Group environmental economics, energy markets, energy policy, environmental justice