Vinod K. Aggarwal Dept of Political Science political science, negotiations, trade policy, international organizations, international debt rescheduling
Matilde Bombardini Haas School of Business international trade, trade and labor, interest groups, lobbying, corporate charitable giving
Severin Borenstein Haas School of Business energy markets, electricity deregulation, industrial organization, environmental economics, applied microeconomics, airline competition, market pricing & competition
Ryan Brutger Dept of Political Science international relations, international political economy, international law, political psychology, experimental design, bargaining and negotiation
Jennifer Chatman Haas School of Business innovation, leading change, leveraging organizational culture, leadership assessment, team diversity, narcissistic leaders
Colleen Chien School of Law artificial intelligence, intellectual property law, law and technology, criminal justice
Paolo D'Odorico Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management hydrology, ecohydrology, water resources, Water and Society, environmental sciences, Drylands, Desertification
Brian DeLay Dept of History US, the Americas, International History, nineteenth century, Native American history, American West, Borderlands, firearms, Second Amendment
J. Bradford DeLong Dept of Economics economics, globalization, economic growth, convergence, economics of post WWII Europe
Jeroen Dewulf Dept of German folklore, Dutch studies, transatlantic slavery, German literature, Portuguese Studies, post-colonial studies, hybridity
Laura J Enriquez Dept of Sociology Development in Latin America; Latin American Emigration to Europe; Rural Sociology, Political Sociology; Social Movements
Thibault Fally Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics International Trade and Investment, economic development, trade, development
Joseph Farrell Dept of Economics economics, price theory models of anticompetitive exclusive dealing, switching costs, network effects, formal standardization
David Singh Grewal School of Law legal theory, political theory, intellectual history, global economic governance, international trade law, intellectual property law and biotechnology, law and economics
Ann E. Harrison Haas School of Business multinational firms, foreign direct investment, international trade, global strategy, emerging markets, India, China
Terrence Hendershott Haas School of Business management of information systems, role of information technology in financial markets, after-hours stock trading, electronic communications networks (ECNs), electronic markets
Chris Jay Hoofnagle School of Information School of Law consumer protection, internet law, privacy, computer crime, criminal procedure, law and technology, public choice theory, federal trade commission, federal communications commission, class action litigation, cyber security, cybersecurity, quantum information, national security
Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers Dept of History slavery, African-American History, Women's History, Women and the Law, Slavery and the Law
Sonia Katyal School of Law artificial intelligence, law and technology, intellectual property law, contemporary art and law, gender and sexuality
Jennifer Anne LaFleur School of Journalism Data journalism, investigative journalism, disability, inequality, criminal justice