David Ackerly Dept of Integrative Biology california biodiversity, climate change, adaptation, community-engaged research/scholarship
David Anthoff Dept of Energy & Resources Group environmental economics, climate policy, integrated assessment models
Joshua Apte School of Public Health Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering air pollution, Atmospheric Aerosol, exposure assessment, risk assessment, environmental justice, environmental engineering, environmental sensors, climate change mitigation, environmental issues in developing countries
Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering civil infrastructure systems, geosystems, geotechnical engineering; landslides; drones; satellites; earthquakes; natural hazards; infrastructure resilience; informatics, engineering justice;
Maximilian Auffhammer Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics climate change, social cost of carbon, econometrics, air pollution, environmental economics, energy economics, species conservation
Dennis Baldocchi Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management biometeorology, climate change and ecosystems, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, agricultural meteorology, ecosystem ecology, carbon cycle, evaporation, ecohydrology, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship
Jill Banfield Dept of Earth and Planetary Science Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management genomics, geomicrobiology, biogeochemistry, carbon cycling, minerology
Benjamin Wong Blonder Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate change, science education
Kristie Boering Dept of Chemistry Dept of Earth and Planetary Science physical chemistry, climate change, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, ozone, earth and planetary science, isotopic compositions of atmospheric trace gases, stratospheric ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, molecular hydrogen, methane
Matilde Bombardini Haas School of Business international trade, trade and labor, interest groups, lobbying, corporate charitable giving
Christian Borgs Division of Computer Science (EECS) theoretical computer science, probability theory, combinatorics, complex networks., statistical physics, artificial intelligence, applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in engineering and sciences
Justin Brashares Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management wildlife, biodiversity, ecology, conservation, sustainability, climate change, human livelihoods
Tamma Carleton Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics environmental and resource economics, remote sensing, climate change, water resources, health effects of air pollution
Rachel Carlson Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management marine ecology, land-sea connectivity, coastal resilience, geospatial data, ocean policy and governance, social-ecological dynamics, coral reef, California current system
Stephanie Carlson Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management fish ecology, stream ecology, freshwater ecology, northern California rivers, Pacific salmon, conservation biology
Jeff Chambers Dept of Geography forests, climate change, trees, tropical forests, remote sensing, Drought, hurricanes, fires
Jennifer Chayes Dept of Mathematics Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) phase transitions in computer science, structural and dynamical properties of networks, graphons, machine learning, ethical decision making, climate change
John Chiang Dept of Geography climate change, climate dynamics, ocean-atmosphere interactions, paleoclimate
Fotini Chow Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering environmental fluid mechanics, wind energy applications, clouds, large-eddy simulation, turbulence modeling, atmospheric boundary layer flow, flow over complex terrain, wildfire smoke transport, methane emissions, urban dispersion modeling, urban air quality
Amanda Clayton Dept of Political Science gender and politics, women's political representation, politics of climate change
Daniel Aldana Cohen Dept of Sociology politics of climate change, political economy, social inequality, urban studies, Latin America
Stephen Collier Dept of City & Regional Planning urban vulnerability and resilience, insurance and climate change, Soviet urban planning and post-Soviet urban and social welfare transformation, infrastructure and politics, neoliberalism and governmental rationality, emergency government in the United States
William Collins Dept of Earth and Planetary Science climate change, uncertainty of extremes, climate modeling, coupled models of the climate system, global climate models, solar and terrestrial radiation
Jason Corburn School of Public Health urban health, gun violence, informal settlements, global public health, urban climate change, environmental impact assessment, mediation, environmental justice, urban and regional planning
Kurt M. Cuffey Dept of Earth and Planetary Science Dept of Geography continuum mechanics, climate, geomorphology, glaciers, glaciology, climate history, stable isotopes, geographical thought