Carl Boettiger Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management theoretical ecology, stochastic processes, optimal control, decision theory, ecoinformatics, data science, tipping points
Adrienne Correa Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management global change microbial ecology, coral reef symbioses, environmental virology
Mary K. Firestone Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management soils, miicrobial biology, environmental science
Allen Goldstein Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management global change, air pollution, environmental science, biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, indoor air quality
John Harte Dept of Energy & Resources Group Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management global change, ecology, sustainability, energy policy, theoretical ecology, biodiversityl
Trevor Keenan Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management global change, natural climate solutions, Dynamic Vegetation, carbon cycle, ecophysiology, land-atmosphere interactions, biogeochemistry, micrometeorology, remote sensing, mathematics and data science
Britt Koskella Dept of Integrative Biology Bacteriophage, Microbiome, plant-pathogen interactions, disease ecology, agricultural sustainability, Environmental Microbiology of Bacteria and Viruses, plant microbiome, evolutionary ecology
Megan Mills-Novoa Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate change adaption, energy transitions, political ecology of global change, critical development studies, water justice, participatory mixed methods, Latin America
Stephanie Pau Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management Dept of Geography global change ecology, biogeography, spectral ecology, remote sensing, climate change impacts on biodiversity and ecological functioning
Miranda Redmond Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management forest ecology, disturbance ecology, forest management
Justin Remais School of Public Health Infectious disease dynamics, methodological issues in infectious disease surveillance, infectious diseases, infectious disease epidemiology, global environmental change, climate change, global change, urbanization, mathematical modeling, computational modeling
George Roderick Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management global change, environmental science, sustainability, biodiversity, invasive species, population genomics
Erica Bree Rosenblum Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management evolutionary biology, global change biology, conservation biology, ecological genomics
Albert Ruhi Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management freshwater ecology, biodiversity conservation, global change biology, Drought
Whendee Silver Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate change, global change, greenhouse gases, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, grasslands, tropical forests, carbon sequestration, environmental sensing