Hannes Bajohr Dept of German digital writing technologies, language and literature, German philosophical tradition in the 20th century, liberal and republican political theory
Sukanya Banerjee Dept of English 19th-century British, South Asian, critical theory, cultural studies, narrative and the novel
Weihong Bao Dept of Film and Media late 19th century visual and performance culture, Chinese language cinema, transnational genre cinema, comparative media history and theory, propaganda theory and history(10988)
David Bates Dept of Rhetoric artificial intelligence, enlightenment, early Modern European intellectual history, 20th century European and American intellectual history, history and theory of media and technology, history of political thought
Daena Funahashi Dept of Anthropology Political anthropology, democratic theory, critical theory, Crisis of Legitimacy, stress, Burnout, death, the uncanny, economy of excess, scientific authority, Nordic Welfare, Southeast Asia
David Singh Grewal School of Law legal theory, political theory, intellectual history, global economic governance, international trade law, intellectual property law and biotechnology, law and economics
Desmond Jagmohan Dept of Political Science history of political thought, American political thought, African American political thought, race and American political development
Victoria Kahn Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of English rhetoric, comparative literature, Renaissance literature, poetics, early modern political theory, the Frankfurt School
Ayelet Shachar School of Law law and religion, citizenship and immigration law and policy, comparative and international law, legal theory, anti-discrimination law
Sarah Song Dept of Political Science School of Law political theory, citizenship and migration studies, feminist theory, American immigration law and policy, democratic theory, First Amendment law
Alexei Yurchak Dept of Anthropology social and political theory, communism and post-communism, language philosophy, the image, the body, avant-garde artistic experiments, science studies, ideology, Soviet and post-Soviet culture and society