Ilan Adler Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research mathematical programming, computational game theory, applied probability
Venkat Anantharam Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) game theory, applied probability, electrical engineering, communications, control, communication networks, error control coding
Ned Augenblick Haas School of Business behavior economics, economic analysis, Online Markets, economics, strategy
Anca Dragan Division of Computer Science (EECS) robotics, human-robot interaction, human-compatible artificial intelligence
Federico Echenique Dept of Economics economic theory, economics and computation, mathematical economics, discrete allocation problems
Nika Haghtalab Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, machine learning, theoretical computer science, game theory and mechanism design
Yuichiro Kamada Haas School of Business game theory, social networks, search, Market Design, communication, political economy, marketing
Andrew Little Dept of Political Science game theory, authoritarian politics, political beliefs, protest
Jeffrey MacKie-Mason Dept of Economics School of Information information systems, digital content, human behavior, online behavior
Thibaut Mastrolia Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research stochastic control, game theory, finance, optimization
Negar Mehr Dept of Mechanical Engineering robotics, control theory, artificial intelligence, game theory, machine learning
Scott Shenker Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, internet architecture, software-defined networking, network function virtualization, game theoretic approaches to resource allocation, large-scale distributed systems, edge computing
Steve Tadelis Haas School of Business ecommerce, contracts and procurement, economics of organization, game theory, theory of the firm and industrial organization
Manxi Wu Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering game theory, multi-agent learning, transportation systems analysis