Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli Division of Computer Science (EECS) biosystems and computational biology, artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems and design automation, human-computer interaction, signal processing, intelligent systems and robotics
Krste Asanovic Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer architecture, VLSI design, parallel programming
Anil Aswani Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research machine learning and artificial intelligence, precision health, optimization, statistics
David Bamman School of Information natural language processing, machine learning, digital humanities, computational social science, data science
Brian A. Barsky Division of Computer Science (EECS) School of Optometry computer science, geometric design and modeling, computer graphics, computer aided cornea modeling and visualization, medical imaging, virtual environments for surgical simulation
Peter Bartlett Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) machine learning, statistical learning theory, adaptive control
Alexandre Bayen Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) control, optimization, machine learning, Applications: transportation; mobile sensing ; connected health
Joshua Blumenstock School of Information machine learning, development economics, poverty and public policy, inequality and crisis
Carl Boettiger Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management theoretical ecology, stochastic processes, optimal control, decision theory, ecoinformatics, data science, tipping points
Jessica Boles Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) power electronic circuits, components, and control
Christian Borgs Division of Computer Science (EECS) theoretical computer science, probability theory, combinatorics, complex networks., statistical physics, artificial intelligence, applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in engineering and sciences
Duncan Callaway Dept of Energy & Resources Group Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) energy systems analysis; grid decarbonization; modeling, control and optimization for electric power systems
John F. Canny Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, activity-based computing, livenotes, mechatronic devices, flexonics
Yuan Cao Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) physical electronics, micro/nano electro mechanical systems, physics
Sarah Chasins Division of Computer Science (EECS) programming systems, human-computer interaction, programming languages, programming languages and compilers, program synthesis, data science
Jennifer Chayes Dept of Mathematics Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) phase transitions in computer science, structural and dynamical properties of networks, graphons, machine learning, ethical decision making, climate change
Alvin Cheung Division of Computer Science (EECS) program analysis, program synthesis, database application performance, big systems, big data, database management, database management systems, database design and construction, programming languages and compilers, programming languages
Jun-Chau Chien Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) biosensors, bioelectronics, microfluidics, molecular engineering, analog, RF/mm-wave, mixed-signal circuits, microsystems design, multi-physics, silicon photonics
Steven Conolly Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) instrumentation, medical imaging reconstruction, contrast, MRI, Magnetic Particle Imaging
Amanda Coston Dept of Statistics causal inference, machine learning, nonparametric statistics, responsible AI, algorithmic fairness
Thomas Courtade Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) information theory, probability, data compression, communications, computer science
Natacha Crooks Division of Computer Science (EECS) database management systems, operating systems & networking
Trevor Darrell Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, intelligent systems and robotics, computer vision
James Demmel Dept of Mathematics Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, scientific computing, numerical analysis, linear algebra
Federico Echenique Dept of Economics economic theory, economics and computation, mathematical economics, discrete allocation problems