Sunčica Čanić Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, partial differential equations, computational methods, biomedical research
James Demmel Dept of Mathematics Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, scientific computing, numerical analysis, linear algebra
Martin P. Head-Gordon Dept of Chemistry theoretical chemistry, electronic structure calculations, development of novel theories and algorithms, quantum mechanics
Olga Holtz Dept of Mathematics numerical analysis, matrix and operator theory, approximation theory, wavelets and splines, orthogonal polynomials and special functions, analysis of algorithms and computational complexity
Lin Lin Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, Quantum Chemistry, quantum computation, Scientific machine learning
Michael J. Lindsey Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, mathematical analysis, probability, numerical analysis, optimization, Monte Carlo methods
Philip Marcus Dept of Mechanical Engineering algorithms, fluid mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, atmospheric flows, convection, ocean flows, numerical analysis, wind energy, Bayesian optimization, neural networks, turbulence, planet formation, internal gravity waves, inertial waves, desalination, protoplanetary disks
Boris Rubinsky Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering medical imaging, biotechnology, biomedical engineering, low temperature biology, micro and nano bionic technologies, electrical impedance tomography, bio-electronics, biomedical devices biomedical numerical analysis, bio-heat and mass transfer, electroporation light imaging
Lydia Sohn Dept of Mechanical Engineering micro-nano engineering, bioengineering, biomedical devices biomedical numerical analysis, microfluidics; nanofluidics; bioanalytical separations; disease diagnostics, stem cells, cancer
Franziska Weber Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, mathematical analysis, numerical analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations
Jon Wilkening Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, numerical analysis, computational solid and fluid mechanics