Dor Abrahamson School of Education mathematical cognition, design-based research, mixed-media design for mathematics learning environments, embodied interaction
Robert M. Anderson Dept of Economics finance, probability theory, mathematical economics, nonstandard analysis
Ned Augenblick Haas School of Business behavior economics, economic analysis, Online Markets, economics, strategy
Alexandre Bayen Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) control, optimization, machine learning, Applications: transportation; mobile sensing ; connected health
George M. Bergman Dept of Mathematics mathematics, associative rings, universal algebra, category theory, counterexamples
Carl Boettiger Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management theoretical ecology, stochastic processes, optimal control, decision theory, ecoinformatics, data science, tipping points
Christian Borgs Division of Computer Science (EECS) theoretical computer science, probability theory, combinatorics, complex networks., statistical physics, artificial intelligence, applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in engineering and sciences
Sydnee Caldwell Dept of Economics Haas School of Business personnel economics, labor economics, gender wage gap, applied microeconomics
Sunčica Čanić Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, partial differential equations, computational methods, biomedical research
Carmine Emanuele Cella Dept of Music mathematical representation of musical and acoustic signals, music composition
Jennifer Chayes Dept of Mathematics Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) phase transitions in computer science, structural and dynamical properties of networks, graphons, machine learning, ethical decision making, climate change
Maria Laura Delle Monache Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering control, transportation, traffic flow theory and control, nonlinear partial differential equations, mathematical modeling, mixed autonomy transportation
Peng Ding Dept of Statistics Statistical causal inference, missing data, Bayesian statistics, applied statistics
Hany Farid Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) School of Information digital forensics, forensic science, misinformation, human perception
Anastassia Fedyk Haas School of Business finance, behavioral economics, labor and finance, role of information technology in financial markets
Avi Feller Dept of Statistics Goldman School of Public Policy applied statistics, theoretical statistics, Bayesian statistics, machine learning, statistics in social sciences
Edward Frenkel Dept of Mathematics mathematics, representation theory, integrable systems, mathematical physics
Karen Trapenberg Frick Dept of City & Regional Planning political polarization, politics of infrastructure, transportation policy and planning