Hillel Adesnik Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Neuroscience neural basis of perception, neuroscience, neurobiology
Ilan Adler Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research mathematical programming, computational game theory, applied probability
Ahmed Alaa Computational Precision Health Program machine learning and artificial intelligence, health care, statistics
Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli Division of Computer Science (EECS) biosystems and computational biology, artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems and design automation, human-computer interaction, signal processing, intelligent systems and robotics
Francisco Armero Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering computational mechanics, nonlinear continuum mechanics
Anil Aswani Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research machine learning and artificial intelligence, precision health, optimization, statistics
Alper Atamturk Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research sparse learning, integer programming, computational optimization, robust optimization, logistics
Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering civil infrastructure systems, geosystems, geotechnical engineering; landslides; drones; satellites; earthquakes; natural hazards; infrastructure resilience; informatics, engineering justice;
Doris Bachtrog Dept of Integrative Biology evolution of sex and recombination, Y degeneration, dosage compensation, sexually antagonistic variation
David Bamman School of Information natural language processing, machine learning, digital humanities, computational social science, data science
Kirk Bansak Dept of Political Science causal inference, experimental design and analysis, algorithmic decision-making, refugee resettlement and asylum politics, public opinion, survey methodology
Lisa Barcellos School of Public Health public health, genetic epidemiology, human genetics, autoimmune diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, epigenetics, genomics, computational biology
Peter Bartlett Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) machine learning, statistical learning theory, adaptive control
Gašper Beguš Dept of Linguistics computational linguistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Generative AI, Deep Learning, speech processing, NLP, phonology, articulatory and acoustic phonetics, historical linguistics, Indo-European linguistics
Isaac L. Bleaman Dept of Linguistics sociolinguistics, language contact, language change, language maintenance, computational linguistics, syntax, phonetics, Yiddish, Jewish languages
Carl Boettiger Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management theoretical ecology, stochastic processes, optimal control, decision theory, ecoinformatics, data science, tipping points
William Boos Dept of Earth and Planetary Science atmospheric science, climate dynamics, monsoons, Earth's hydrological cycle
Steven E. Brenner Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology molecular biology, computational biology, evolutionary biology, bioengineering, structural genomics, computational genomics, cellular activity, cellular functions, personal genomics
Luisa Caldas Dept of Architecture virtual and augmented reality for building design and simulation, net zero energy and sustainable design, parametric and generative design systems for sustainable architecture, daylighting, daylighting in buildings, housing solutions for the developing world and refugee camps
Sunčica Čanić Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, partial differential equations, computational methods, biomedical research
John F. Canny Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, activity-based computing, livenotes, mechatronic devices, flexonics
Van P. Carey Dept of Mechanical Engineering mechanical engineering, use of machine learning to develop high performance energy conversion and thermal management technologies, micro-to-nanoscale modeling of the thermophysics of multiphase systems, waste plastic transport in environmental watersheds, waste plastic recycling.