Emily Cooper School of Optometry 3D vision, depth perception, computational neuroscience, augmented and virtual reality, assistive technology
Jack L. Gallant Dept of Neuroscience computational neuroscience, vision science, attention, fMRI, language, natural scene perception, brain encoding, brain decoding
Lexin Li School of Public Health neuroimaging data analysis, deep brain stimulation, brain-computer-interface, statistical machine learning, Deep Learning, reinforcement learning, networks data analysis, functional data analysis, tensor analysis, ordinary differential equations, dimension reduction, high dimensional inference
Bruno Olshausen Dept of Neuroscience School of Optometry visual perception, computational neuroscience, computational vision
Frederic Theunissen Dept of Integrative Biology Dept of Neuroscience behavior, cognition, brain, psychology, birdsong, vocal learning, audition, neurophysiology, speech perception, computational neuroscience, theoretical neuroscience