Lu Chen, MD, PhD, FARVO School of Optometry lymph and blood vascular biology, corneal inflammation, transplantation immunity, glaucoma
Karsten Gronert School of Optometry inflammatory diseases, innate immune responses, lipid mediators, lipidomics, leukocytes, inflammatory resolution, eicosanoids, omega-3 PUFA, Dry Eye, lipxoygenase, cycloooxygenase, resolution pharmacology, neuroprotection, adaptive immunity, glaucoma
Gerard Marriott Dept of Bioengineering Sensors and biosensors, drug delivery systems, optical spectroscopy and microscopy, high-contrast imaging, biomaterials
Teresa Puthussery School of Optometry retinal neurobiology, retinal neurophysiology, ion channels, glutamate receptor, glaucoma, retinal degeneration, cell biology of photoreceptors, retinitis pigmentosa
Christine Wildsoet School of Optometry optometry, vision science, myopia, refractive errors, accommodation, aberrations, eye growth, ocular therapeutics, optical myopia control, pharmacological myopia control, ocular tissue engineering, ocular stem cells, basic and clinical research with social implications