Wali Ahmadi Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures Persian literature, literary theory and criticism, cultural history, Afghanistan
Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli Division of Computer Science (EECS) biosystems and computational biology, artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems and design automation, human-computer interaction, signal processing, intelligent systems and robotics
Robert Ashmore Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures China, lyric poetry, Chinese literature, Chinese culture, poetic theory
Nicholas Baer Dept of German film theory and history, digital media, aesthetics, critical theory, philosophy of history, technics, media theory and archaeology
Hannes Bajohr Dept of German digital writing technologies, language and literature, German philosophical tradition in the 20th century, liberal and republican political theory
David Bamman School of Information natural language processing, machine learning, digital humanities, computational social science, data science
Weihong Bao Dept of Film and Media late 19th century visual and performance culture, Chinese language cinema, transnational genre cinema, comparative media history and theory, propaganda theory and history(10988)
Patricia Baquedano-López School of Education immigration and diaspora from Latin America to the U.S., Latinos and education, race and language, Indigenous language revitalization
Andrew Barshay Dept of History social thought, social sciences in modern Japan, marxism, Japanese history, Japanese-Russian relations
Gašper Beguš Dept of Linguistics computational linguistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Generative AI, Deep Learning, speech processing, NLP, phonology, articulatory and acoustic phonetics, historical linguistics, Indo-European linguistics
Adam Benkato Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures Old and Middle Iranian languages, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, Arabic dialectology, sociolinguistics, philology, Libyan Studies, archives
Isaac L. Bleaman Dept of Linguistics sociolinguistics, language contact, language change, language maintenance, computational linguistics, syntax, phonetics, Yiddish, Jewish languages
Déborah A. Blocker Dept of French Early modern French and Italian literature, history and culture, Comparative literature cultural studies, Social and political history of literature, aesthetics, philology, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Archival Studies
Mark Blum Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures Buddhism, Japan, culture and society, modernization
William M Burton Dept of French French literature, gender, sexuality, intellectual history, translation studies, Quebec studies, feminism
Judith Butler Dept of Comparative Literature critical theory, gender and sexuality studies, comparative literature, 19th and 20th century continental philosophy, social and political thought, philosophy and literature
Sarah Chasins Division of Computer Science (EECS) programming systems, human-computer interaction, programming languages, programming languages and compilers, program synthesis, data science
Irene Chen Computational Precision Health Program Division of Computer Science (EECS) machine learning, personalized medicine and healthcare systems, global health equity, precision health
Mel Y Chen Dept of Gender and Women's Studies queer and feminist theory, disability theory, critical animal studies, materiality studies, cultural politics of race and sexuality and ability and immigration, critical linguistics, paradigms of inter and transdisciplinarity
Alvin Cheung Division of Computer Science (EECS) program analysis, program synthesis, database application performance, big systems, big data, database management, database management systems, database design and construction, programming languages and compilers, programming languages
Marianne Constable Dept of Rhetoric law and language, legal rhetoric and philosophy, social and political thought, Anglo-American legal history, continental philosophy, law and society