John Clarke Dept of Physics nuclear magnetic resonance, physics, noise limitations, applications of superconducting quantum interference devices, low-transition temperature, axion detectors, sensing of magnetically-tagged biomolecules, nondestructive evaluation
Teresa Head-Gordon Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Dept of Chemistry Computational chemistry, machine learning, chemical physics, biophysics, biomolecules, materials, catalysis, computational science
Gabor A. Somorjai Dept of Chemistry physical chemistry, catalysis, surface science, low-energy electron diffraction, solid state chemistry, macroscopic surface phenomena, adhesion, lubrication, biocompatibility, bonding, and reactivity at solid surfaces, scanning tunneling
Evan R. Williams Dept of Chemistry spectroscopy, molecular structure and dynamics, analytical chemistry, biophysical chemistry, structure and reactivity of biomolecules and biomolecule/water interactions, mass spectrometry, separations, protein conformation, protein and DNA sequencing