Research Expertise and Interest
surface and interfacial science and engineering, nanotechnology, harsh-environment sensors, silicon carbide, green construction, biologically-inspired materials synthesis
Research Description
Roya Maboudian is Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Co-Director of the Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center (BSAC) at the University of California, Berkeley. She also holds The John F. Heil, Jr. Chancellor's Chair in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, and is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Affairs in the College of Chemistry at UC Berkeley. Her research interest is in the surface and materials science and engineering of micro/nanosystems, with applications in health and environmental monitoring, harsh-environment sensing, biomematics, energy technologies and sustainability. She is the recipient of several awards, including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) from the White House, NSF Young Investigator award, and the Beckman Young Investigator award. She is a Fellow of the American Vacuum Society (AVS), a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and a Bakar Fellow. She has served as editor to the American Chemical Society (ACS) Sensors and the IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS), and as associate editor to IEEE/SPIE Journal on Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS (JM3).