Amy Herr Dept of Bioengineering microfluidics, bioanalytical separations, diagnostics, electrokinetic transport, engineering design
Jeffrey R. Long Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Dept of Chemistry inorganic and materials chemistry, synthesis of inorganic molecules and higher dimensional solids, precise tailoring of chemical and physical properties, gas storage, molecular separations and catalysis in porous materials, magnetic and conductive materials
Kenneth N. Raymond Dept of Chemistry chemistry, bacteria, bioinorganic chemistry, biophysical chemistry, coordination, design of specific chelating agents for metal ions, human iron storage and transport proteins, low-molecular weight chelating agents, metals in medicine, metal-ligands
Lydia Sohn Dept of Mechanical Engineering micro-nano engineering, bioengineering, biomedical devices biomedical numerical analysis, microfluidics; nanofluidics; bioanalytical separations; disease diagnostics, stem cells, cancer
Evan R. Williams Dept of Chemistry spectroscopy, molecular structure and dynamics, analytical chemistry, biophysical chemistry, structure and reactivity of biomolecules and biomolecule/water interactions, mass spectrometry, separations, protein conformation, protein and DNA sequencing
Omar M. Yaghi Dept of Chemistry Reticular Chemistry, metal-organic frameworks, covalent organic frameworks, Carbon Capture, gas storage systems, water harvesting from desert air.