Maryam Hosseini Dept of City & Regional Planning computer vision, pedestrian mobility, urban accessibility, walkability
Aditi Krishnapriyan Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Division of Computer Science (EECS) machine learning, geometric deep learning, differentiable physics, dynamical systems, numerical methods, computational geometry, optimization
Sara McMains Dept of Mechanical Engineering geometric and solid modeling, general purpose computation on the GPU (GPGPU), CAD/CAM, computational geometry, computer graphics and visualization, tool path planning, additive manufacturing, computer vision, Deep Learning
Jonathan Shewchuk Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) scientific computing, computational geometry (especially mesh generation, numerical robustness, and surface reconstruction), numerical methods, machine learning, physically-based animation
Kyle Steinfeld Dept of Architecture design computation, architectural representation, design methods, Generative AI, artificial intelligence, creativity, ideation and creativity