Pieter Abbeel Division of Computer Science (EECS) robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Deep Learning
Anca Dragan Division of Computer Science (EECS) robotics, human-robot interaction, human-compatible artificial intelligence
David Foster Dept of Neuroscience behavioral neurophysiology of spatial learning and memory, hippocampus replay, computational models of reinforcement learning and navigationf
Joseph Gonzalez Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, database management systems
Jiantao Jiao Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) artificial intelligence, control and intelligent systems and robotics, communications and networking
Sergey Levine Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, intelligent systems and robotics
Lexin Li School of Public Health neuroimaging data analysis, deep brain stimulation, brain-computer-interface, statistical machine learning, Deep Learning, reinforcement learning, networks data analysis, functional data analysis, tensor analysis, ordinary differential equations, dimension reduction, high dimensional inference