Research Expertise and Interest
signal processing, image processing, computer vision, Deep Learning
Research Description
Avideh Zakhor is the Qualcomm Chair in Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences and a professor of engineering at UC Berkeley.
Research Projects
- Zach Van Hyfte and A. Zakhor, "Close-Range Indoor Proximity Detection for COVID-19 Exposure Notifications Using Smartphone Magnetometer Traces" IPIN 2023 [Adobe PDF]
- Zixian Zang, Maxime Kawawa-Beaudan, Wenhao Yu, Tingnan Zhang and A. Zakhor, "Perceptive Hexapod Legged Locomotion for Climbing Joist Environments" IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, MI, October 2023 [Adobe PDF] [video]
- Franklin Wang, Mike Wang, A. Zakhor and Tim McCalmont, "Microscopy Slide Image Segmentation of Invasive Melanoma" Submitted to Digital and Computational Pathalogy, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, February 2024 [Adobe PDF]
- Haoda Li, Puyuan Yi, Yunhao Liu and A. Zakhor, "Scalable MAV Indoor Reconstruction with Neural Implicit Surfaces" 1st Computer Vision Aided Architectural Design Workshop, International Conference on Computer Vision, Paris, October 2023 [Adobe PDF]
- Aman Shah, Amal Mehta, Michael Wang, A. Zakhor and Tim McCalmont, "Deep learning segmentation of invasive melanoma" Digital and Computational Pathalogy, SPIE Medical Imaging, San Diego, CA, February 2023
- Lucas Jaffe and A. Zakhor, "Gallery Filter Network for Person Search" Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Waikoala, HI, January 2023 [Adobe PDF] [Poster] [video]
- David Deng and A. Zakhor, "RSF: Optimizing Rigid Scene Flow From 3D Point Clouds Without Labels" Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Waikoala, HI, January 2023
- Anup Hiremath and A. Zakhor, "Multimodal Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Video Representation Learning" Computational Imaging Conference, IS&T Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, California, January 2023
- Yibin Li and A. Zakhor, "3D Joist Perception, Detection, and Climbing for Hexapod Robots" Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Applications using Computer Vision Conference, at IS&T Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 2023 [Adobe PDF]
- M. Carranza-Garcia, J. C. Riquelme and A. Zakhor, "Temporal Axial Attention for Lidar-based 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving" International Conference on Image Processing, Bordeaux, France, October 2022
- K. Wang, D. Chan, S. Z. Zhao, J. Canny and A. Zakhor, "Misinformation Detection in Social Media Video Posts" Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) workshop, September 2022 [Adobe PDF] [video]
- A. Zakhor, E. Lathrop, A. Austin, J. Zang, M. Tang A. Roychowdry, W. Naing, M. K. Beauden, and Y. Li, "Robotic Cleaning and Air Sealing of Attics" International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Workshop on Robotics for Climate Change, Philadelphia, April 2022
- N. Neumann, M. Wang, A. Mehta, A. Shah, M. Olson, W. Fan, A. Weier, A. Zakhor and T. McCalmont "Quantifying Invasive Melanoma Volume by Deep Learning Segmentation at the Pixel-Level" Stowell-Orbison/Surgical Pathology/Autopsy Award Poster Session, United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology's 111th Annual Meeting, March 19-24, 2022, Los Angeles, California, LABORATORY INVESTIGATION 102 (SUPPL 1), 346-347
- M. Kawawa-Beaudan, R. Roggenkemper and A. Zakhor, "Recognition-aware Learned Image Compression" Electronic Imaging Symposium, Computational Imaging XX Conference, January 2022 [Adobe PDF] [video]
- L. Yang, R. Ma and A. Zakhor, "Drone Object Detection Using RGB/IR Fusion" Electronic Imaging Symposium, Computational Imaging XX Conference, January 2022 [Adobe PDF]
- Z. Zang, H. Shen, L. Yang and A. Zakhor, "Sensor-aware Frontier Exploration and Mapping with Application to Thermal Mapping of Building Interiors" Electronic Imaging Symposium, Autonomous Vehicles and Machines Conference, January 2022 [Adobe PDF]
- Z. V. Hyfte and A. Zakhor "Immediate Proximity Detection Using Wi-Fi Enabled Smartphones" Eleventh International Conference in Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, December 2021, Lloret de Mar, Spain [Adobe PDF] [ArXiv] [video]
- S. McCrae, K. Wang and A. Zakhor, "Multi-Modal Semantic Inconsistency Detection in Social Media News Posts" 28th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling 5-8 April 2022, Qui Nhon, Vietnam [Adobe PDF]
- J. Quenum, K. Wang and A. Zakhor "Fast, Accurate Barcode Detection In Ultra High Resolution Images" Submitted to International Conference on Image Processing, September 2021, USA. [Adobe PDF]
- S. Touzani, M. Wudunn, S. Fernandes, A. Zakhor, R. Najibi and J. Granderson "A Machine Learning Approach To Estimate Windows-to-wall Ratio Using Drone Imagery" SPIE conference on Remote Sensing Technologies and Applications in Urban Environments VI, September 2021, Madrid, Spain. [Adobe PDF]
- M. Keshavarzi, O. Afolabi, L. Caldas, A. Y. Yang and A. Zakhor, "GenScan: A Generative Method for Populating Parametric 3D Scan Datasets" Submitted to International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), 2021 [Adobe PDF]
- D. Deng and A. Zakhor, "Temporal LiDAR Frame Prediction for Autonomous Driving" International conference on 3D Vision, November 2020.
- S. McCrae and A. Zakhor, "3D Object Detection Using Temporal LIDAR Data" International Conference on Image Processing, October 2020, UAE. [Adobe PDF] [video]
- R. Puri, A. Zakhor, and R. Puri, "Few Shot Learning for Point Cloud Data Using Model Agnostic Meta Learning" International Conference on Image Processing, October 2020, UAE. [Adobe PDF] [video]
- M. WuDunn, J. Dunn and A. Zakhor, "Point Cloud Segmentation Using RGB Drone Imagery" International Conference on Image Processing, October 2020, UAE. [Adobe PDF] [video]
- L. Yang, I. Herzi, A. Zakhor, A. Hiremath, S. Bazargan, and R. Tames-Gadam, "Indoor Query System For The Visually Impaired" International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, September 2020, Italy. [Adobe PDF] [video]
- Marc WuDunn, Avideh Zakhor, Samir Touzani, and Jessica Granderson, "Aerial 3D Building Reconstruction from RGB Drone Imagery" SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing, Geospatial Informatics X, April, 2020
- M. Waliman and A. Zakhor, " Deep Learning Method for Height Estimation of Sorghum in the Field Using LiDAR " SPIE Symposium, Computational Imaging, Burlingame, CA, Jan. 2020 [Adobe PDF]
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