Daniel Kammen Dept of Energy & Resources Group Dept of Nuclear Engineering Goldman School of Public Policy public policy, nuclear engineering, energy, resources, risk analysis as applied to global warming, methodological studies of forecasting, hazard assessment, renewable energy technologies, environmental resource management
Andrew Little Dept of Political Science game theory, authoritarian politics, political beliefs, protest
Kate O'Neill Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management wastes and the circular economy, global environmental governance, climate change politics, globalization, environmental politics and policy, environmental movements
Raka Ray Dept of Sociology Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies feminist theory, gender, masculinity, middle-class, social movements, South and Southeast Asian studies, relations between dominant subaltern groups in India, women¹s movements in India
Alex Saum-Pascual Dept of Spanish and Portuguese digital literature, Transatlantic Literature, Spanish, Spain, electronic literature, contemporary literature, digital humanities, new media, Latin America
Jonathan Sheehan Dept of History intellectual history, religion, Christianity, Europe, history of science, secularism, Secularization
Ann Swidler Dept of Sociology religion, culture, Africa, AIDS, political sociology, theory, development, NGOs, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-based research partnerships, social justice research