Gregory W. Aponte Dept of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology health and nutrition, nutritional sciences, signaling between the gut and the brain, neuropeptides, G-protein coupled receptors
Ozlem Ayduk Dept of Psychology emotion regulation, social-cognition in interpersonal relationships, self-control, violence, developmental psychology, psychology, depression
Matteo Benetton Haas School of Business regulation in lending markets, competition in lending markets, household finance, mortgage product design, housing markets, mortgage markets
Eric Biber School of Law environmental law, natural resources law, energy law, land-use law, federal Indian law, administrative law, property
Benjamin Blackman Dept of Integrative Biology Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology evolution, adaptation, domestication, phenotypic plasticity, flowering time, evo-devo, genomics, plant biology
Severin Borenstein Haas School of Business energy markets, electricity deregulation, industrial organization, environmental economics, applied microeconomics, airline competition, market pricing & competition
Steven E. Brenner Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology molecular biology, computational biology, evolutionary biology, bioengineering, structural genomics, computational genomics, cellular activity, cellular functions, personal genomics
Carlos Bustamante Dept of Chemistry Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Physics nanoscience, structural characterization of nucleo-protein assemblies, single molecule fluorescence microscopy, DNA-binding molecular motors, the scanning force microscope, prokaryotes
Lu Chen, MD, PhD, FARVO School of Optometry lymph and blood vascular biology, corneal inflammation, transplantation immunity, glaucoma
Ronald Dahl School of Public Health adolescence, brain development, behavioral and emotional health, pubertal maturation, affective neuroscience, social neuroscience
Xavier Darzacq Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology transcription regulation during cellular differentiation, gene expression control mechanism, biophysical rules of nuclear organization
Lucas Davis Haas School of Business energy markets, environmental economics, applied microeconomics, public finance, industrial organization
Brian DeLay Dept of History US, the Americas, International History, nineteenth century, Native American history, American West, Borderlands, firearms, Second Amendment
Abby Dernburg Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology chromosome structure and function, higher order chromosome structure, cell cycle controls, chromosome remodeling and reorganization during meiosis, spatial pattern formation in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, genome mapping, eukaryotic genomes, whole-genome analysis
Dhammika Dharmapala School of Law corporate finance and securities regulation, law and economics, tax law and policy
David Drubin Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cellular morphogenesis, plasma membrane dynamics, microtubule cytoskeletons, cytoskeletal proteins, morphological development
Robert Dudley Dept of Integrative Biology metabolism, biomechanics, butterflies, energetics, flight, gliding, hummingbirds, insects, paleophysiology
Aaron S. Edlin Dept of Economics School of Law economics, industrial organization, regulation, antitrust, business law, law and economics
Michael B. Eisen Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology genomics, genome sequencing, bioinformatics, animal development
Ofer Eldar School of Law business associations, corporate finance and securities regulation, law and economics, corporate governance, entrepreneurial finance, social impact
Sean Farhang School of Law Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy civil litigation