Aaron S. Edlin Dept of Economics School of Law economics, industrial organization, regulation, antitrust, business law, law and economics
Matthew Grennan Haas School of Business industrial organization, competitive strategy, innovation, health care markets, health care products, health care organizations
Prasad Krishnamurthy School of Law financial regulation, consumer finance, antitrust and competition policy, law and economics, distributive justice
Jeffrey MacKie-Mason Dept of Economics School of Information information systems, digital content, human behavior, online behavior
Peter S. Menell School of Law intellectual property, property law, environmental law & policy, entertainment law, law and economics, federal courts
Robert P. Merges School of Law antitrust, intellectual property, property rights, patent law, law and economics, copyright law, digital content, online contracts
Tejas Narechania School of Law administrative law, antitrust, artificial intelligence, intellectual property, law and technology, privacy and cybersecurity, telecommunications law, internet technology
Jeffrey M. Perloff Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics economics, labor, industrial organization, antitrust, econometrics, agricultural economics, trade, marketing
Gordon Rausser Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics agricultural and environmental and resource economics, public and regulatory policy, political economy, bargaining theory, futures markets, law and economics, industrial organization and antitrust analysis
Veronica Aoki Santarosa School of Law banking and financial regulation, law and economics, legal history
David Sunding Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics environmental economics, industrial organization, applied econometrics, law and economics
David Teece Haas School of Business innovation, strategic management, competitive performance of firms in the global marketplace, organization of industry, innovation strategy, technology policy, antitrust policy, intellectual property