Jack L. Gallant Dept of Neuroscience computational neuroscience, vision science, attention, fMRI, language, natural scene perception, brain encoding, brain decoding
Richard Ivry Dept of Psychology Dept of Neuroscience cognitive neuroscience, behavior, cognition, brain, attention, coordination, psychology, motor and perceptual processes in normal and neurologically impaired populations, temporal processing, executive control
Oliver John Dept of Psychology research methods, personality, measurement, emotion regulation, personality structure, personality development, traits, Big Five model, individual differences, emotion expression, self-concept, accuracy, bias, self-knowledge, personality assessment
Dacher Keltner Dept of Psychology culture, conflict, behavior, love, psychology, emotion, social interaction, individual differences in emotion, negotiation, embarrassment, desire, juvenile delinquency, laughter, anger, social perception, negotiating morality
Iris Mauss Dept of Psychology social psychology, personality psychology, affective science, psychophysiology, individual differences, emotion, emotion regulation, health psychology, happiness, well-being, psychological health
Dana Miller-Cotto School of Education educational equity, early childhood education, cognitive processes, early math learning, social contexts of education