Francis Annan Dept of Agricultural & Resource Economics development economics, microeconomic, digital financial markets
Christopher Ansell Dept of Political Science political science, social movements, political sociology, network analysis, organization theory, public administration, political parties, Western Europe
Joshua Apte School of Public Health Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering air pollution, Atmospheric Aerosol, exposure assessment, risk assessment, environmental justice, environmental engineering, environmental sensors, climate change mitigation, environmental issues in developing countries
Alper Atamturk Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research sparse learning, integer programming, computational optimization, robust optimization, logistics
Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering civil infrastructure systems, geosystems, geotechnical engineering; landslides; drones; satellites; earthquakes; natural hazards; infrastructure resilience; informatics, engineering justice;
Lisa Barcellos School of Public Health public health, genetic epidemiology, human genetics, autoimmune diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, epigenetics, genomics, computational biology
Jill Berrick School of Social Welfare family policy, child and family poverty, child abuse and neglect, foster care, kinship care, Child welfare services
Patrick Bradshaw School of Public Health epidemiologic methods, Bayesian methods, cancer epidemiology, cardiometabolic risk
Eliza Brown Dept of Sociology economic sociology, gender and sexualities, medicine, reproduction, Science and Technology studies
Rachel Carlson Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management marine ecology, land-sea connectivity, coastal resilience, geospatial data, ocean policy and governance, social-ecological dynamics, coral reef, California current system
Luis Ceferino Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering multi-hazard risk analysis, reliability of critical infrastructure systems, climate adaptation and disaster resilience, structural engineering, extreme event modeling
Stephen Collier Dept of City & Regional Planning urban vulnerability and resilience, insurance and climate change, Soviet urban planning and post-Soviet urban and social welfare transformation, infrastructure and politics, neoliberalism and governmental rationality, emergency government in the United States
Mary Comerio Dept of Architecture disaster recovery, housing impacts in disasters, loss modeling, performance based design
Julianna Deardorff School of Public Health adolescent health, puberty, sexual development, cultural factors, contextual factors, community-engaged research/scholarship, community-based research partnerships
Johann Frick Dept of Philosophy moral philosophy, political philosophy, practical reason, applied ethics
Bethany L. Goldblum Dept of Nuclear Engineering applied nuclear physics, neutron detection, scintillation physics, machine learning applications, nuclear weapon policy
Jenny S. Guadamuz School of Public Health health inequities, pharmaceutical policy, health policy, access to healthcare, immigrant health
Xin Guo Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research stochastic control and games, theory of machine learning and applications to medical and financial data analysis, applied probability and stochastic models
Todd Hickey Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies classics, papyrology, Greek, Egyptian, social and economic history, late antiquity
Stephen Hinshaw Dept of Psychology psychology, child clinical, developmental psychopathology, risk factors for attentional, conduct disorders, child psychopharmacology, multimodality interventions, diagnostic validity of disorders, peer relationships, stigma of mental illness, community-engaged research/scholarship
Dorit Hochbaum Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research data mining, integer programming, discrete optimization, network flow techniques, clustering, image segmentation, machine vision, pattern recognition
Maryam Hosseini Dept of City & Regional Planning computer vision, pedestrian mobility, urban accessibility, walkability
Nilah Ioannidis Division of Computer Science (EECS) computational biology, machine learning, artificial intelligence, genomics, personal genome interpretation, precision health, rare diseases, statistical genetics, molecular biology, biophysics
Keanan Joyner Dept of Psychology alcohol and substance use disorder, externalizing, electroencephalogram (EEG), event-related potentials, ecological momentary assessment, behavioral economics, behavioral genetics
Daniel Kammen Dept of Energy & Resources Group Dept of Nuclear Engineering Goldman School of Public Policy public policy, nuclear engineering, energy, resources, risk analysis as applied to global warming, methodological studies of forecasting, hazard assessment, renewable energy technologies, environmental resource management