Richard Allen Dept of Earth and Planetary Science seismology earthquakes earthquake hazard mitigation earth structure tomography natural hazards
Jill Banfield Dept of Earth and Planetary Science Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management genomics, geomicrobiology, biogeochemistry, carbon cycling, minerology
James K. B. Bishop Dept of Earth and Planetary Science ocean carbon cycle dynamics, remote sensing, aquatic chemistry, marine biogeochemistry, land - ocean biogeochemistry, chemical oceanography, ocean sensors and autonomous observing systems, Carbon Explorer, Carbon Flux Explorer
Kristie Boering Dept of Chemistry Dept of Earth and Planetary Science physical chemistry, climate change, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, ozone, earth and planetary science, isotopic compositions of atmospheric trace gases, stratospheric ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, molecular hydrogen, methane
Roland Bürgmann Dept of Earth and Planetary Science active tectonics, geophysics, geology, earth and planetary science, geomechanics, tectonics, Seismology, structural geology, fault zone processes, crustal deformation, space geodesy, natural hazards, landslides
Eugene Chiang Dept of Astronomy Dept of Earth and Planetary Science planetary science, theoretical astrophysics, dynamics, planet formation, circumstellar disks
Imke de Pater Dept of Astronomy Dept of Earth and Planetary Science radio, planetary science, infrared, observations
Madison Douglas Dept of Earth and Planetary Science landscape evolution, permafrost environments, periglacial geomorphology, Earth's surface, sediment transport
Michael Manga Dept of Earth and Planetary Science hydrogeology, fluid mechanics, geomorphology, earth & planetary science, geological processes involving fluids, including problems in physical volcanology, geodynamics, dynamics of suspensions, flow & transport in porous materials, percolation theory
Burkhard Militzer Dept of Earth and Planetary Science density functional methods, equation of state calculations, planetary interiors, materials at high pressure, theoretical mineral physics, path integration Monte Carlo, planet formation, quantum Monte Carlo method
Barbara Romanowicz Dept of Earth and Planetary Science earth & planetary science, deep earth structure & dynamics, earthquake processes & scaling laws, real time estimation of earthquake parameters, development of modern broadband seismic and geophysical observatories, planetary seismology
David Romps Dept of Earth and Planetary Science climate, atmosphere, atmospheric science, weather, clouds, fluid dynamics
David Shuster Dept of Earth and Planetary Science noble gas geochemistry, thermochronometry, cosmogenic nuclide, alpine glacial erosion, chemical weathering, lunar impacts, magnetism, Martian meteorites, Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission
Hans-Rudolf Wenk Dept of Earth and Planetary Science crystallography, earth & planetary science, structural geology & rock deformation, seismic anisotropy