Cathryn Carson Dept of History science and society, data science, ethics, artificial intelligence, history of science and technology, history of physics, nuclear waste, intellectual history, interdisciplinarity
Jacob Gaboury Dept of Film and Media media studies, computer graphics, history of technology, Science and Technology studies, queer theory, new media, art and technology
Kevis Goodman Dept of English 18th-century and Romantic British literature, Milton, literature and the history of science, especially medicine.
Akash Kumar Dept of Italian Studies medieval Italian literature, history of science, history of philosophy, Mediterranean studies, digital humanities
Massimo Mazzotti Dept of History history of science, History of Mathematics, history of technology, science and society, STS., science studies
Diego Pirillo Dept of Italian Studies Renaissance Europe, early modern Europe, Atlantic History, History of Books and Reading, colonialism, history of science and technology
Jonathan Sheehan Dept of History intellectual history, religion, Christianity, Europe, history of science, secularism, Secularization
Irfan Siddiqi Dept of Physics condensed matter physics, superconducting qubits, quantum limited amplifiers, quantum circuits
Hannah Zeavin Dept of History history of human sciences, history of technology and media, feminist science and technology studies, media theory