Lilla Balint Dept of German contemporary German literature and media, theories of the contemporary, aesthetics and politics, transnationalism and translation, digital writing, European Jewish literature, literary and cultural theory, theories of the novel
Emmeline Chuang School of Social Welfare inter-organizational relationships, frontline health and human service workers, implementation science, coordination of health and social services
Neil Gilbert School of Social Welfare social welfare, comparative welfare state analysis, child welfare, evaluation research, family policy, social security
Kevis Goodman Dept of English 18th-century and Romantic British literature, Milton, literature and the history of science, especially medicine.
Victoria Kahn Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of English rhetoric, comparative literature, Renaissance literature, poetics, early modern political theory, the Frankfurt School
Javad Lavaei Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research control theory, optimization, power systems
Terry Taylor Haas School of Business sharing economy operations, economics of operations management, social responsibility in operations management, supply chain management, marketing-operations interface
James Grantham Turner Dept of English gender, sexuality, English, 16th-18th-Century English, Italian and French literature, art and literature, 17th-Century political writing, landscape and the city, Enlightenment materialism, sexuality in Renaissance Italian art and Antiquity, ecocriticism in literature and art
Umesh Vazirani Division of Computer Science (EECS) quantum computation, hamiltonian complexity, analysis of algorithms, computer security
Winnie Wong Dept of Rhetoric art and law; modern and contemporary art; Chinese art; Qing empire; Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta