Janaki Bakhle Dept of History intellectual history of religion, politics and modern India, South Asia
Déborah A. Blocker Dept of French Early modern French and Italian literature, history and culture, Comparative literature cultural studies, Social and political history of literature, aesthetics, philology, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Archival Studies
Mark Blum Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures Buddhism, Japan, culture and society, modernization
Lawrence Cohen Dept of Anthropology Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies social cultural anthropology, medical and psychiatric anthropology, critical gerontology, lesbian and gay studies, feminist and queer theory
Mark A. Csikszentmihalyi Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures early China, Confucianism, Taoism, Daoism, Comparative Religion
Jacob Dalton Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies religion, ritual, Tibet, Buddhism, Tantra, Dunhuang
Ivonne del Valle Dept of Spanish and Portuguese colonial period in México, internal colonialism in Mexico, Jesuits (Loyola, Acosta, Baegert), Baroque and Enlightenment from a colonial perspective, technology and environment, drainage of Mexico City lakes, Christianity and Pre-Hispanic religions.
Jeroen Dewulf Dept of German folklore, Dutch studies, transatlantic slavery, German literature, Portuguese Studies, post-colonial studies, hybridity
Karen Feldman Dept of German critical theory, aesthetics, literary theory, Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Arendt, Benjamin, 18th-20th century German thought, Hegel, Adorno
M. Steven Fish Dept of Political Science comparative politics, Russian politics, democracy, religion and politics, legislative process
William F. Hanks Dept of Anthropology social and cultural anthropology, linguistics, shamanism, language, Yucatan Mexico, Maya culture
Ron E. Hassner Dept of Political Science international relations, international security, religion and conflict, Israel, military intelligence, torture, interrogation.
Abhishek Kaicker Dept of History South Asia, Mughal, early modern, cities, history, Persian, India, politics, Asia
Ethan Katz Dept of History Jewish history, modern France, empire, Jewish-Muslim relations, secularism
Yumi Kim Dept of History Japan, Korea, women's studies, gender studies, medicine, religion, colonialism, Asian diaspora
Niklaus Largier Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of German theology, anthropology and literature, literature and the visual arts, philosophical anthropology, ritual and religion, religious practice, literature
Rita Lucarelli Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures Egyptology, Egyptian, afrofuturism, magic, demonology, digital humanities, 3D modeling, virtual reality, prison higher education, ritual and religion
Duncan MacRae Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies Greek and Roman history, Roman religion, early Christianity, Jews in the Greco-Roman world, Latin Literature, Latin epigraphy
Massimo Mazzotti Dept of History history of science, History of Mathematics, history of technology, science and society, STS., science studies
Minoo Moallem Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Transnational and Postcolonial Feminist Studies, cultural studies, Commodity Cultures, Visual and Material Cultures of Religion, Immigration and Diaspora Studies, Middle East Studies, and Iranian Studies