Marié Abe Dept of Music sound and space, ethnography, human geography, sound studies, music and social movements, affect and the body, Japanese popular performing arts, critical ocean studies, public ethnomusicology
Wali Ahmadi Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures Persian literature, literary theory and criticism, cultural history, Afghanistan
Robert Ashmore Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures China, lyric poetry, Chinese literature, Chinese culture, poetic theory
Hannes Bajohr Dept of German digital writing technologies, language and literature, German philosophical tradition in the 20th century, liberal and republican political theory
Lilla Balint Dept of German contemporary German literature and media, theories of the contemporary, aesthetics and politics, transnationalism and translation, digital writing, European Jewish literature, literary and cultural theory, theories of the novel
David Bamman School of Information natural language processing, machine learning, digital humanities, computational social science, data science
Sukanya Banerjee Dept of English 19th-century British, South Asian, critical theory, cultural studies, narrative and the novel
Adam Benkato Dept of Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures Old and Middle Iranian languages, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, Arabic dialectology, sociolinguistics, philology, Libyan Studies, archives
Stephen Best Dept of English film, English literature, African American literature, literary culture, legal culture
Déborah A. Blocker Dept of French Early modern French and Italian literature, history and culture, Comparative literature cultural studies, Social and political history of literature, aesthetics, philology, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Archival Studies
Karl Britto Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of French Africa, cultural studies, the Caribbean, literature, francophone literature, colonial and postcolonial literature, Vietnam, gender and identity
Tolani Britton School of Education social research methods, higher education policy, economics of higher education
William M Burton Dept of French French literature, gender, sexuality, intellectual history, translation studies, Quebec studies, feminism
Judith Butler Dept of Comparative Literature critical theory, gender and sexuality studies, comparative literature, 19th and 20th century continental philosophy, social and political thought, philosophy and literature
Daniella Cádiz Bedini Dept of Spanish and Portuguese hemispheric American literature, literary exchanges, anticolonial activism, migration, border crossings, translation, linguistic exchange
Anthony J. Cascardi Dept of Comparative Literature comparative literature, literature, aesthetics, early modern literature, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Spanish Baroque
Pheng Cheah Dept of Rhetoric world literature, human rights, nationalism, legal philosophy, feminism, 18th-20th century continental philosophy & contemporary critical theory, postcolonial theory & anglophone postcolonial literatures, cosmopolitanism & globalization, social & political thought
Lisandro Claudio Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies Philippines, theories of liberalism, history and culture of Southeast Asia, austerity in the global south
Raúl Coronado Dept of English Latina/o literary and intellectual history, histories of sexuality and of the academic disciplines, comparative history of writing in the colonial and 19th century Americas, modernity, postcolonialism