Daniella Cádiz Bedini Dept of Spanish and Portuguese hemispheric American literature, literary exchanges, anticolonial activism, migration, border crossings, linguistic exchange
Teresa Caldeira Dept of City & Regional Planning urbanization in the global south, peripheries; urban violence; spatial segregation, urban change, ethnography and qualitative methods
Anthony J. Cascardi Dept of Comparative Literature comparative literature, literature, aesthetics, early modern literature, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Spanish Baroque
Andrés Cediel School of Journalism Documentary Film, television, Investigative Reporting, International Reporting
Raúl Coronado Dept of English Latina/o literary and intellectual history, histories of sexuality and of the academic disciplines, comparative history of writing in the colonial and 19th century Americas, modernity, postcolonialism
John Alba Cutler Dept of English Chicanx Latinx Studies, poetry, 20th century American literature and culture
Thomas Dandelet Dept of History Renaissance Italy and Europe, Spanish Empire, early modern Mediterranean
Justin Davidson Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Spanish linguistics, romance linguistics, contact linguistics, bilingualism, Catalan, sociophonetics, language variation and change, quantitative methods
Ivonne del Valle Dept of Spanish and Portuguese colonial period in México, internal colonialism in Mexico, Jesuits (Loyola, Acosta, Baegert), Baroque and Enlightenment from a colonial perspective, technology and environment, drainage of Mexico City lakes, Christianity and Pre-Hispanic religions.
Brian DeLay Dept of History US, the Americas, International History, nineteenth century, Native American history, American West, Borderlands, firearms, Second Amendment
William F. Hanks Dept of Anthropology social and cultural anthropology, linguistics, shamanism, language, Yucatan Mexico, Maya culture
Ron E. Hassner Dept of Political Science international relations, international security, religion and conflict, Israel, military intelligence, torture, interrogation.
Charles Hirschkind Dept of Anthropology Islam, anthropology, religious practice, media technologies, political community, Middle East, Europe
Michael Iarocci Dept of Spanish and Portuguese modern Spanish literature and culture, critical theory, geopolitics of literature, aesthetics, transatlantic Hispanic studies, theory of the lyric, visual culture
Rosemary A. Joyce Dept of Anthropology Latin America, anthropology, cultural heritage, gender, archaeology, sexuality, museums, ethics, Central America, feminism
Andrew Way Leong Dept of English 19th-century American literature, 20th- and 21st-century American literature, Asian American, Pacific, critical theory, cultural studies, gender and sexuality studies
Mara Loveman Dept of Sociology comparative and historical sociology, political sociology, ethnoracial politics, development, demography, Latin America
Tom McEnaney Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Latin American literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, media studies, radio, 20th century American literature, architecture, linguistic anthropology, digital humanities
Nasser Meerkhan Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Medieval Iberia, transcultural text, transtermporal text, translinguistic text
Paulo J. M. Monteiro Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering concrete behavior, structural materials
Ignacio Navarrete Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Spanish literature: poetry, poetic theory, narrative and culture, history of the book, Cervantes, Don Quixote, Celestina, Everyday Life, Medieval and Early Modern Spanish literature. Modern Spain.