Brandi Wilkins Catanese Dept of African American Studies Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies critical race theory, African American theater, non-traditional casting, racial performativity, gender studies, sexuality studies, American popular culture
Mel Y Chen Dept of Gender and Women's Studies queer and feminist theory, disability theory, critical animal studies, materiality studies, cultural politics of race and sexuality and ability and immigration, critical linguistics, paradigms of inter and transdisciplinarity
Shari Huhndorf Dept of Ethnic Studies interdisciplinary Native American studies, Alaska Native studies, cultural studies, gender studies, American studies, literary and visual culture
Nikki Jones Dept of African American Studies African American communities, policing, racial/gender disparities and the criminal justice system, violence and violence interventions
Yumi Kim Dept of History Japan, Korea, women's studies, gender studies, medicine, religion, colonialism, Asian diaspora
Danya Lagos Dept of Sociology gender, transgender studies, social change, demography, survey research methods
Eric Naiman Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures sexuality, history, comparative literature, Slavic language, ideological poetics, history of medicine, Soviet culture, the gothic novel
Juana María Rodríguez Dept of Ethnic Studies race and sexual politics, LGBTQ communities, Latino/a/x and Caribbean literatures and cultures, women of color feminisms, queer activism in the Americas, transgender studies, sex work
Katherine Snyder Dept of English 19th- through 21st-century Literature in English, narrative and the novel, gender studies, post-traumatic and post-apocalyptic fiction
Eric A. Stanley Dept of Gender and Women's Studies critical prison studies, queer/trans social movements, anti-colonial feminism, gentrification, California housing market, critical theory