Marié Abe Dept of Music sound and space, ethnography, human geography, sound studies, music and social movements, affect and the body, Japanese popular performing arts, critical ocean studies, public ethnomusicology
Edward Arens Dept of Architecture indoor environment, thermal comfort, occupant surveys, building environmental control, ventilation, wind, architectural aerodynamics
Robert Ashmore Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures China, lyric poetry, Chinese literature, Chinese culture, poetic theory
Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering civil infrastructure systems, geosystems, geotechnical engineering; landslides; drones; satellites; earthquakes; natural hazards; infrastructure resilience; informatics, engineering justice;
Nitash P. Balsara Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering electrochemical energy conversion, polymer properties, small angle scattering, nanoscale and microscale sciences
David Bamman School of Information natural language processing, machine learning, digital humanities, computational social science, data science
Weihong Bao Dept of Film and Media late 19th century visual and performance culture, Chinese language cinema, transnational genre cinema, comparative media history and theory, propaganda theory and history(10988)
Tracy Becker Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering advanced structural systems, structural dynamics, structural design, earthquake engineering, isolation and other high performance systems, use of novel materials in design
Jeffrey Bokor Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) nanoscience, electrical engineering, nanoelectronics
Rizvana Bradley Dept of Film and Media aesthetic theory, art history, black studies, contemporary art, contemporary film theory, critical theory, moving image installation, postcolonial studies, race and the philosophy of media
Gail S. Brager Dept of Architecture architecture, high-performance buildings, energy use, indoor environmental quality, post-occupancy evaluation, comfort and adaptation in buildings, natural ventilation and mixed mode
Jonathan D. Bray Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering earthquake engineering, geotechnical engineering, physical and numerical modeling, environmental geotechnics
Amanda Brewster School of Public Health coordination of health care and social services, performance improvement, implementation of new practices
Charles L Briggs Dept of Anthropology social cultural anthropology, medical anthropology, folklore and performance, racialization, linguistic anthropology
John F. Canny Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, activity-based computing, livenotes, mechatronic devices, flexonics
Van P. Carey Dept of Mechanical Engineering mechanical engineering, use of machine learning to develop high performance energy conversion and thermal management technologies, micro-to-nanoscale modeling of the thermophysics of multiphase systems, waste plastic transport in environmental watersheds, waste plastic recycling.
Brandi Wilkins Catanese Dept of African American Studies Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies critical race theory, African American theater, non-traditional casting, racial performativity, gender studies, sexuality studies, American popular culture
Carmine Emanuele Cella Dept of Music mathematical representation of musical and acoustic signals, music composition
Jennifer Chatman Haas School of Business innovation, leading change, leveraging organizational culture, leadership assessment, team diversity, narcissistic leaders
Mel Y Chen Dept of Gender and Women's Studies queer and feminist theory, disability theory, critical animal studies, materiality studies, cultural politics of race and sexuality and ability and immigration, critical linguistics, paradigms of inter and transdisciplinarity
Alvin Cheung Division of Computer Science (EECS) program analysis, program synthesis, database application performance, big systems, big data, database management, database management systems, database design and construction, programming languages and compilers, programming languages
Susana Chung School of Optometry optometry, low vision, vision science, pattern vision, reading, cortical adaptation and plasticity
Mary Comerio Dept of Architecture disaster recovery, housing impacts in disasters, loss modeling, performance based design
Iggy Cortez Dept of Film and Media world cinema, contemporary art, global cities, aesthetic theory, global cinema, transnationalism and diaspora, night, cinema, Indie Film, screen performance, acting, asian art, asian-american art, asian diasporic culture, psychoanalysis, affect theory