Research Expertise and Interest
networking and distributed computer systems, quality of service (Q of S) and resources management, modeling and performance analysis
Research Description
Ion Stoica's area of research is networking with an emphasis on Quality of Service (QoS) and traffic management in the Internet. His main research interest is to develop techniques and architectures that allow powerful and flexible network services to be deployed in the Internet, without compromising its scalability and robustness. He is equally interested in designing algorithms and systems with strong theoretical foundations, and in providing practical implementations that are deployable in the real world. Some of the projects he is/was involved are below:
- Peer-to-Peer and Overlay Networks
- Scalable Network Services (The Denali Project)
- Self-Verifyable Protocols
- Shara: Service Architecture for Telecommunication Systems
- QoS and Resource Management based with Dynamic Packet State (DPS)
- REUNITE: A Recursive Unicast Approach to Multicast
- Hierarchical Fair Service Curve (HFSC)