Xandra Ibarra Dept of Art Practice performance art, video, sculpture, new genres, feminist and queer theory, Latin American and U.S. Chicana/Latino performance
Shannon Jackson Dept of History of Art Dept of Rhetoric Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies rhetoric, performance studies, American studies, 20th century art movements and critical theory, local culture and intercultural citizenship in turn-of-the-century United States, history and theory of theatre and performance art
Courtney Desiree Morris Dept of Gender and Women's Studies black women's social movement, state violence and authoritarianism, racial formations in Latin American, racial formations in the Caribbean, racial formations in the U.S., feminist and queer theory, environmental ethics, black visual culture and aestetics
Laura E. Pérez Dept of Ethnic Studies Chicana/Latina Feminist & Queer literary, visual, performance arts; US women of color thought; decolonial aesthetics and decolonial spiritualities