Paola Bacchetta Dept of Gender and Women's Studies transnational feminist and queer theory; decolonial feminist and queer theory; activisms, artivisms, practices, movements, alliances; right-wings; geographic specializations outside the U.S., France, India, Italy, Brazil.
Karl Britto Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of French Africa, cultural studies, the Caribbean, literature, francophone literature, colonial and postcolonial literature, Vietnam, gender and identity
Mel Y Chen Dept of Gender and Women's Studies queer and feminist theory, disability theory, critical animal studies, materiality studies, cultural politics of race and sexuality and ability and immigration, critical linguistics, paradigms of inter and transdisciplinarity
Lawrence Cohen Dept of Anthropology Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies social cultural anthropology, medical and psychiatric anthropology, critical gerontology, lesbian and gay studies, feminist and queer theory
Al-An deSouza Dept of Art Practice photography, contemporary art, Art Pedagogy, performance, postcolonial studies, gender, queer, and trans studies, contemporary African Art, South Asian Art, art of the Global South, global modernisms
Jacob Gaboury Dept of Film and Media media studies, computer graphics, history of technology, Science and Technology studies, queer theory, new media, art and technology
Cori Hayden Dept of Anthropology Latin America, Mexico, social and cultural anthropology, kinship, anthropology of science, technology, and medicine, post-colonial science, gender, queer studies
Xandra Ibarra Dept of Art Practice performance art, video, sculpture, new genres, feminist and queer theory, Latin American and U.S. Chicana/Latino performance
Roshanak Kheshti Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies race, gender, queer theory, anthropology, sound studies, film, performance studies, diaspora, psychoanalysis
Grace Lavery Dept of English critical theory, gender and sexuality studies, Pacific, 19th century British literature, cultural studies
Andrew Way Leong Dept of English 19th-century American literature, 20th- and 21st-century American literature, Asian American, Pacific, critical theory, cultural studies, gender and sexuality studies
Tadiwa Madenga Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of English African and Black diaspora literature, gender and sexuality, print culture, Festival and Carnival Studies
Salar Mameni Dept of Ethnic Studies art, aesthetics and visual culture, transnational feminist and queer of color theories, Arab diaspora, Muslim diaspora, militarism, critical race theory, critical postcolonial theory, Anthropocene, extractive economies and petrocultures
Roni Masel Dept of Comparative Literature Hebrew literature, Yiddish literature, Jewish history, queer theory, postcolonial theory
Courtney Desiree Morris Dept of Gender and Women's Studies black women's social movement, state violence and authoritarianism, racial formations in Latin American, racial formations in the Caribbean, racial formations in the U.S., feminist and queer theory, environmental ethics, black visual culture and aestetics
Karen Nakamura Dept of Anthropology disability, Japan, disability studies, queer studies, LGBTQ communities, social cultural anthropology, medical and psychiatric anthropology, community-engaged research/scholarship, community-based research partnerships
Daniel O'Neill Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures East Asian literatures and cinema, gender and sexuality studies, environmental humanities and media theory
Ianna Hawkins Owen Dept of Gender and Women's Studies African American studies, African diaspora, queer studies
Laura E. Pérez Dept of Ethnic Studies Chicana/Latina Feminist & Queer literary, visual, performance arts; US women of color thought; decolonial aesthetics and decolonial spiritualities
Russell Robinson School of Law anti discrimination law, race and sexuality, law and psychology, constitutional law, media and entertainment law
Juana María Rodríguez Dept of Ethnic Studies race and sexual politics, LGBTQ communities, Latino/a/x and Caribbean literatures and cultures, women of color feminisms, queer activism in the Americas, transgender studies, sex work
Poulomi Saha Dept of English Asian American studies, critical theory, postcolonial theory, spirituality, comparative race and gender, cults